Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Best Birthday Present Ever!!!

Hi everyone...

My lovely wife is PREGNANT.

My first and only post was the introduction of this blog. This will be my second entry. Maybe, I'm just plain lazy or just waiting for a big occasion to trigger my lazy mind to be creative. :) The sentence above is not only a big occasion but it will bring significant change to our life.

Last month, she did mention that her period is quite late and i suggested that we wait for another week before we did anything (like seeing a doctor or pregnancy test). Went to work as usual and when i get back, I noticed there is something different in her facial expression. A mixture of happiness, anxiety and worried. When she open her mouth and show me the test strip, I had the same expression. On that strip, only a very blur line visible unlike the one on the picture above.

One part of my brain send a command to jump for joy but the other part of it seems worried with what have happen before. I was caught in between and finally settle with a big grin and hug her instead.

Between last month and now, we had a couple of visit to the medical centre. She need a hormone injection to support her pregnancy on top of the regular pills. Furthermore, the normal pregnancy symptoms persist and she needs a lot of rest. And by that, i means "a lot". :) That's why, its been quite some time since she post a new entry.

I choose to share this wonderful news early to get moral support for her. She told me that she have a strange kind of connection with her reader (somehow, you guys 'click' and always hoping the best for each other).

Last but not least, saya harap anda semua dapat mendoakan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan isteri serta anak di dalam kandungannya. Amin...

And now, she's already 2 months.Alhamdulillah.



dialicious said...

OMG!!!Fadddd...congratssss!!i almost cried reading ur hubby's entry..i hope this will come true..i really2 hope ething will turn out right.at first i saw the pic,i thought its a pen or sumthing.after reading it,i figured out its actually a pregnancy test..kot..kan?heheh..tapi xde tulis positive pun..ade tulis max jer..wuteva the thing is yg penting u r finally pregnant!alhamdulillah.take good care of urself k!

Anonymous said...

semoga sis&baby sihat hndknya..
take care sis!! ;D

~silent reader

cdalan said...

fadd!! congrates darl. u deserve this. mari sama2 doa!

havenly.lily said...

and congrats too :)
take care and rest well.

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah...congrats guys! semoga selamat melahirkan baby yg chomelz mcm uol! :)

shoe-addict-mom said...

Fadd and Mr. Fadd,
BIG, HUGE congrats to both of u! im jumping with joy!
take good care!!!!!!

Nana said...

Congrads! This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey ahead! Enjoy every moment of it! hehehe I know I know .. sakit and penat, but the outcome outweighs everything!

Congrads again!! May your life fill with joy and happiness!

Anonymous said...

Tahniah, smoga sihat ibu n baby.. I'm soo happy for both of you!!! Nangis dh baca entry ni.. ;P

Nana said...

hehe just call me Nana :D

Hunny MJ @ PinkyRetro said...

kak Fadd !!!
congratulations !!!!!!
tahniah tahniah !!!
bestnya !!!
tp please please take care of urself tau !!!
hope that everything goes well !
jgn lasak2...
take care !!!

Anonymous said...

fadd!! congratz dear!! happy to hear that.. nanti kami semua jadi fairy godmother la ye..

Anonymous said...

Congrats Fadd! We dont know each other but I read ur blog sometimes. You're going to have a really cute baby! hehee. Hope your pregnancy goes well! :)

Anonymous said...

uih..terkejut den!congrats dear..so happy for u!

emi said...

fad.. congrats..

sronotnya baca... take a good care of urself.. =)

f.i.e.z.a said...

congrats fadd dearie!
im looking forward to see u in july..by dat tym insyaAllah u'll be 6 months preggie.
owhh wat a wonderful news..
have a lots of rest k..
take care n eat right.
love u to bits.muah!

Rateyyy said...

Congrats Fadd! Praying for the well-being of mummy and baby :)

BeLLaRieNa said...

tahniah kakak... patut la tgk je shuben u ols kemas barang... rupa rupa nya tak ley buat keje berat yek... do take good care of urself and baby yek... mak doakan yg terbaik utk kakak...

nickila said...

congratulations!!hope the pregnancy goes well insya-Allah

:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

syukur n congrates babe!
truth is i cried by the end of ur hubby's entry...

one for being so happy for u after all that u have been thru, n ur prayers answered

two for the hopes that u shine me for there are still miracles & wishes do come true ;)

embrace it darl...take gd care of it especially urself...
to apeng, i know u will take gd care of her...cherish the moments together k both ;)

Mai Okinokiyo said...

OMG fadd, im so happy for you.Almost cry pulakk..Take a good care of yourself yerr...and now im thinking to get pregnnt also..heheh

congrats to both of you!

Anonymous said...

first of all..

congrats to both of u.. .. :) insyAllah mudah²an semuanya selamat.. follow the doctor's order and perbanyakkan bace surah² utk ibu mengandung.. like maryam .. yusuf.. etc..

u know what...

mase i bace entry MIMPIKU tuu.. i thot to myself.. she must be pregnant.. sbb selalunye org kate.. if kite mimpi budak²/baby n stuff like that.. n the baby/kid talks back to back to us.. selalunye ade makna baik.. eheh.. org kata.. :) .. so i konon nak buat tekaan tu.. .. tapi rupenye jwpn tak betol.. hehe

happy for u !

FYR said...

Salam you two!! Congrats on the big news..I've been the silent reader for awhile now, and enjoyed every journey both of you have taken...

Again, congratulations and may Allah blesses your pregnancy and family...

Take care Fadd ;)

Anonymous said...

syukur!....& take care.

** silent reader.

Anonymous said...

congrats! this is a greet news indeed :) take care of yourself, take super care :) i hope everything will go just fine. *hugs*

nurulzia said...

dear..congrates ya..and welcome to the club..hehehe

Anonymous said...

Hai..i'm your silent reader.I like to read your blog....
Congratulation ! Finally he answered your prayer.Alhamdulillah.Take a good care of yourself .May you have a wonderful pregnancy until the baby come out.:)

Qaybee Sulaiman said...

Congrats both of u. I doakn u & baby sihat/selamat. Take gud care & jgn buat keja berat. 1st trimester ni kena jg betul2 dr segi permakanan etc.

Akak happy sgt2 bila baca entry from ur hubby ttg kehamilan u. Patutla senyap jer ;)

NadiahKhair said...


Take care of yourself and get a lot of bedrest. Dont worry, I'm sure your husband will be more than happy to tend to your EVERY NEEDS!! I mean it. :D

mrsazi said...

congrats fadd!!

BettyLai said...

OMG! Alhamdulillah, congrats Fadd. Been following your blog all this while :)
From your previous entry 'The call to write"SECRET"' i could sense something and walla... tekaanku betul. Hehe.
Anyways, take care dear.

linahilmin said...

for time being, just bed rest, kasi kuat dulu..
take care!

-silent reader-

Anonymous said...

hi there.
im ur silent reader. i know how u feel :)
we went thru the same thing, about the same time. alhamdulillah, im a mommy to be too!
congratulations to both of you. im sure u guys are very thrilled.. take good care of urself :)

Lea Shmea said...

congratulations!! :)
i know the feeling of miscarriage and how it worries u to the bone. but Alhamdulillah your chance is here again. do take care of yourself and eat well. xoxo.

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

OMG!!!! You're Pregnant!!! Sooo happy for youuu.. Alhamdulillah you wish has come true!! Syoknyaaa... Nih yg I x sabar nak jumpa u nih.. Crpat2.. Plan out!! It has been agesss since I last jumpa you.. Haih!! U take extra care tau.. Mr.Apeng, ohh you know what to do! Hihihi.. Take care you two!! *hugs* :)

Anita, Mummy Adzryl said...

ohh btw, soo proud & soo happy when I see the double lines here! yayy!! ;)

Anonymous said...

sis,CONGRATZ!well,we are in d same boat rite now.i'm 2months too.hihi..alhamdulillah.so do take care of urself ya+jgn lasak2+rest A LOT (like mr apeng said)

MR FATHER-TO-BE,take care of ur wife.happy for both of u ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear..i tak ingat i dah ckp congratulation or not..

anyways..congratulation!! i'm very happy for u!!

take good care of ur self ya!

p/s : lamaaaa i senyap2 simpan rahsia nih :)..penat!

Unknown said...

fadddd congrats dear!!!!! sudah reveal hekkk??! hihi take care yaa.

MeL said...

hi fadd, im ur silent reader. congrats on ur pregnancy! i wish u all the best and semoga Allah lindungi u n baby. tcare ;)*i link u boleh?*

Anonymous said...

Aman & apeng, congratss!!!
do take gd care of urself, Fadd.

-wife Pedu-

Pink Stilettos said...

I decided to pay ur blog a visit after not seeing u online for quite some time now... and BAMMM!! Suddenly u're pregnant! This is a great news - i almost nak nangis baca bcoz I know how much u want this. I am SO happy for both of u! Alhamdulillah, Allah dah kabulkan doa u. Take good care of urself yea. Semoga Allah permudahkan semuanya.

p/s: I dah dpt the bottle warmer. Thank u so much dear! Sgt2 memudahkan kerja i :)

Anonymous said...

been ur silent reader for long time..
that's great news..really hope it will bring more happiness in ur lives..

tons of congrats
take care and have lotssss of rest..

Anonymous said...

congrats aman & fad!! take care k...

jetsetter said...

Hi peeps!
OMG I was..hmmm TOUCHED!!! Im so happy seeing all the comments AND I am so happy!!!
Ur words, lg best dr secret! :-)

Anonymous said...



Ninie said...

ooooohhh Fadd!!! i'm so happy for u! congrats...alhamdulillah..take care k...jgn lasak2 n jaga ur makan k...

Unknown said...

hi dear.. im always one of your silent reader, hv been a while tak drop by ur blog, even updating my own pun tidak.

anyway, congrats to both of u, take care and keep updating with your progress.

salzahari said...

to Apeng & Fad,
time i bace tajuk tu i dah agak dah.. pernah 'menjadi' fad, so tahu mcmana rasanya perasaan korang!

it's okay to relax and share the happiness...don't put too much worry! just enjoy the journey and sentiasa berdoa moga semuanya slmt dan sampai ke penghujung..tahniah sekali lagi :)

Anonymous said...

hi there...this is the 1st time i read ur blog...still i hope ur pregnancy goes well..moga baby n ibu sihat,selamat di bawah sifat rahman dan rahimNya...


Anonymous said...

hi im new to ur blog..salam kenal...congrats and i know how u both feel..as im still waiting my time to come also...such a long journey for the baby to come to me...

wateva it is, like u said, miracle cud happen...

take care...:-)

haneejane said...

Hi Fadd,
It's me Hanee. Last time I did tell u that I was worried because my period is irregular and make it not that easy for me to get pregnant. And now, we are in the same boat. I'm 2 months pregnant!
Congrats to u dear. HE will give the best thing to us when the best time is arrived. Amin.

Mrs. Amie said...

hi babe,

thanks for droping...well, 11 weeks pregnant now! congrats..welcome to the club!