This year, I wont attempt to make any promises, just aims and inspiration (although most of my 2009 resolutions were met except one part which I failed miserably;being shopaholic or anything to do with money ).Yess I failed miserably due to the sale, traveling here and there,foods,fancy restaurants.....ohh tidddaakkkk..this is how shopaholic I am , I feel happy just to walk aimlessly around the shopping mall/factory outlets even without any purchase. But I feel happier if I return with a few shopping bags, designer bags is the best :-)... erm,geddit? (hanya suamiku yg memahami.) Adikku Cik Na pun mesti faham jugak kan? :p
Lucky me Apeng/Aman is a good financial advisor.He's the best!!(ok jgn muntah darah sbb puji laki sendiri okeyyy)
Anyways,we quickly went out at 11am on 31st Dec 2009 since Apeng/Aman had to work that evening.Apeng/Aman was eagerly telling me about this place, so I agreed to give it a try.The buffet starts at 1130am-2pm everyday and the cost?ONLY RM36.90 per person.The food?Of course..mouth watering!
Throughout the whole day, Kazim behaved like a very good boy. He was all smiles and only protested when he was hungry - which is still every 2-3 hours on the dot, the little guzzler!
Then,off to Lala Land around 1245pm.
As usual,Happy new year everybody!
P/S Happy Birthday to Ummi!!
Ohh this is the address:
Daidomon Japanese BBQ Restaurant
Level 3
Great Eastern Mall
03-4252 8155
Hi Gorgeous. Happy New Year to u and ur fam. May Allah bless u with happiness and good health in this new beginning year. Fadd, i'm one of ur silent readers. Almost a year i baca blog u :). Sangat suka. I nak minta tolong boleh? Ada benda sikit nak tanya kat u pasal TMC. Camne nak contact u? Maybe ur email? Thanx in advance.
It seems like Kazim senang je tdo malam. Rayyan..Ya Allah..susahnya nak tdo malam. Only bila dia btul2 penat like the other day-unplanned trip to Penang and sampai umah dia tdo x bgn langsung. He must be tired. Tembamnye Kazim..Rayyan mcm tembam-tak-jadi je.Hehe
wahhh potong rambut sudaaaaaa, sng kn pendek tak rimas!
akak nt blanje toni roma's, teringin nak rs ribs dia yg famous tuhhhh heheh
zarisha,'s email-ing!'
sedddaappp...nyum nyum
Rayyan suka main2 ngn mommy dia kot.Tu yg dia taknak tdo kan...
Nway darling, kalau nk suh dia tdo mlm, u kena start train dia frm now.Tp bagus jugak u bg dia penat mula2 ni.Plus, babies(newborn-3 mths), they are unpredictable sikit.They still rasa mcm dlm womb lagi...u just have to let them feel that way dulu..Ermm..aaaala..I tgk u kt FB ok per ngn Rayyan tu..tak tdo sbb u tak tdo kot :p
Cik Na,
bolleeehhhhhhh.Kt johor ada Tony Romas ke?nk tunggu awak dtg KL tu ..hmm anytime!
ala comeynya kamu potong rambut pendek... baby K seamat the cute...
hi fad,
remember me? it's me baiti..
googling for stroller review then I found ur blog..well lama gile x dgr cerita about you. :) Here you are dah jadi mommy..congratz fad on your baby kazim..
happy new year kak fadd! your new hairdo suit u very well! cute mcm bkn mak org je. hehe.
kazim dah besar! good boy je while mommy dia mkn. :)
hi there...
just nak update,my blog address dah lain tau...
Fadd..kat mana tmpt makan tuh? Bab mkn buffet ni I memang tak tahan dugaan ahaha.. *masa tuh boleh lupakan diet :P
u sudah slim kembali....
pas bersalin nk kurus blk..u really inspired me...hehehe
fadd..bab makan ni i mmg cepat sket ok!hehhe..kata cucu tok hamid kan..hahaha..can u provide the details for this restaurant.cant wait 2 try!!(that explains my hubby;s 'evolvement' and me has to workout everytime after buffet ;)
tq dear
i dah letak address n number
mcm anak dara gitewww... P/S:aduuh,sila jgn samakan anak org dgn nama anda.rosak personality je nnt.aduhh...
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