We had a good time over the last weekend as we drove down to Glory Beach Resort Port Dickson.We started early morning at 7 am.Kazim woke up really early on that day since Ive told him earlier about the trip. Our journey from our place took about 1.45 hours . Luckily traffic on the North-South Highway was extremely smooth since it was Sunday.
Kami terus buat beach photoshoot then lepak2 dgn mommies.
Anita's handsome Adzryl.
Amie's lil princess; Qayra( hope the spelling is correct!)
It was first time for Kazim to the beach..alhamdulillah he managed to adapt a new place.I guess the the sound of the ocean really relaxed him.
I must say, Kazim doesnt give us so much trouble on that day except we had to stop our beach photoshoot after 3 hrs...yes susu time!So kami ada la jugak terlepas bergambar dgn other mommies and daddies..
Gambar2 kami semua kt lappy Anita since that day lupa nk bwk CD..my bad!
Father and son..both of you make my heart melt..
New friends :-)
US..tp ada mommies lain yang tak masuk..sbb diorang bz bergambar kt beach.
dah letak kat kereta pun :-) Gracias to Sarah for organizing such a lovely outing and to all mommies and daddies, I hope we can meet again..and again!
Lepas dah habis shooting, we makan jap ,then Anita n Amie gi mandi manda kt pool.pastu kami pon naik atas tumpang bilik Anita sambil tunggu Anita siap2 sbb dah nk balik.Kazim was already asleep....
Amie..yes finally dapat jumpe u.
Kami bertolak balik lepas singgah mkn kat pizza hut PD. Kami terus ke Shah Alam sbb nk visit Leen yang masuk ward kat DEMC.Tp yours truly tak bwk Kazim naik ward sbb takut lah kuman2 ni kan..sempat gi Plaza Masalam lagi temankan Leen beli charger.
Dah dekat nk senja kami pun balik rumah sbb nak siap ke rumah parents Syauqi..
huhuhu..hari yg padat!
Till next time,
Gambar2 kami semua kt lappy Anita since that day lupa nk bwk CD..my bad!
Dah dekat nk senja kami pun balik rumah sbb nak siap ke rumah parents Syauqi..
huhuhu..hari yg padat!
Till next time,
looks like funnnnn...all the mommies and babies at the beach...sure attracted a lot of attention kan. :-)
btw, i jeles nih...how come u look hot aftert a few months of delivery ja...bila i nak hot jugak ni uwaaaa
Babe, i pun baru jer update.. alamak.. u mcm pecah rahsia jer mandi kat pool tue! hahaha... nice meeting u Fadd! Jom kita jalan2 lagi!
awwww.. u tau x, i terharu sgt (skema sket ayat) bila u mmg btol2 dtg awal pagi to PD on that Sunday! my husband & i mcm.. ehh btol ke fadd nak dtg ni? all the way from KJ, sempat ke? bla bla bla.. but u made it!!! yayy!
thanks dear. it was nice seeing u that day. leh posing together gitu! ehhh BUT! of all poses, kita x snap pixs together pun!! allaaaa... :P next time okeh?
well, see u soon!! luv luv u darl! :) kisses to kazim!!
p.s. i pun dah letak car tag tu kat my car. heeee.
ohh u pegi ke tat day? tak tau u gi if not kami join.
oh babe, sila lah letak gmbar besar skit, berpinau mata nk tgk muka kazim
hi dear!
eyh so u got ur pics already??
if not.. bole je copy kat i.umah pon dkat giler.
anything can cntct me at fazuzu2[at]yahoo.com
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