Dear friends,
So, this is my final decision
After reading reviews over reviews (and yes..we goggle-ed it too)about this Bumbo and Bebe Pod, ermm..I was completely sold!
That's it.
Mission accomplished!
WE gonna borrow the Bumbo seat from our nephew since he doesnt use it anymore, and IF the bumbo doesnt fit well on Kazim we gonna buy the Bebe Pod.
BUT anyways,
I did some comparison shopping on these last night,well the major complaint I've heard about the Bebepod is,it is easier for the baby to slip out of it ..err maybe because it's kinda spacious..and I guess it is true cos when I put Kazim in, mmg mcm ader space pon.tapi nampak mcm stable je sitting position tu.
*big grin*
babe,nak ke bumbo chair tu.Qaseh punye ade.die tak pakai dah.tak muat dah pon.kalo nak,ambik la Qaseh punye...
wah, dah decide ya... hmmm nanti letak gambar kazim in both chair... sure cuteee...
u nk seat ni tuk makan ke? if tuk makan i saran kn proper high chair, sbb dulu pun i gune bumboo awal2 tuk feeding,last2 i yg skait belakang tebongkok2 badan nk suap diorang
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