Hows life treating ?Mine..alhamdulillah...Walaupun ada jer benda nak kena bz..But anyways,I have been getting complaints for not updating my blog. Seriously, I suck at updating nowadays and as usual I kept coming up with all kinds of excuses.Itu ini. But, I've only realized that it's all because of the mood I'm in. I haven't been in the writing mood lately. Ohh well I hope this time I got my mojo back.
Now, let's start with Kazim.Kazim is REALLY starting to get his own personality as he gets "older!"And yes, I discovered he loves to play with my stuffs.. Ya Allah habis kdg2 semua barang2 dlm bag dia punggah, mainan dier taknak pulak tu..So cheeky!. Truth is,I forget to write in here about all the "little" things, because there are just so many!So, I'll start with this one first okay!
It was lazy Sunday morning.I was about to take my shower while Kazim still lying on my bed.Something caught my eyes.So I grab my camera.
"Kazim..watcha doing??"
His smile is soooo precious!...yeahh at least to us*big grin*
"R u playing with my bra?.."
"Ohh tidakk....stop playing with mommy's bra!..tu bukan toys la..tu mommy pakai!"
Then I left him alone on the bed, monitoring him from distance while I'm talking on the phone with my friend. Before that, I'll make sure that any stuff that scattered around on the bed is not dangerous to him. Let him play with his imagination and the results will be delightful and quite hilarious too... :)
5 minutes later
Ok..Keep scrolling
Ok..Keep scrolling
Seriously, I didnt put this on his head.He did it by himself! Oh..that's my boy(cough)..cheeky boy!Now,he's more like his father....the joker!
Have a nice weekends peeps!
More on..( yeahh so many things) later
cheeky nya kazim.he's getting cuter by days.geram tgk.
hahahaha. cheeky lil boy! geram tau aunty! ehh babe, u ni cam biskut la. dulu u kata i biskut, skang u plak. haha. wuts up bebeh? ur no dah tukar ke? huhuhu.
Miss Kazim soooo much!
hahahahha...boys will be boys. haha. go kazim go go kazim!
the ultimate cuteness.. chicky lah you Kazim :)
hahahah.. thats funny! i wonder what he'll does f he found ur panties! muahhahahahha =p
what a cheecky boy.. so cute
kazim sgt bijak!
kazim is so cute!..
pandai sungguh!..
hahaha... Comel!
Make sure dia xlekat dengan bra tuh sudah Nanti jadi macam my brother masa kecik2... Bawak bra mama dia pi nursery... hehehe
p/s: Budak zaman sekaranf terrer IT, jangan biasakan dia main h/p.. Sampai masa dia baling nanti rosak woo (belajar dari pengalaman)
OMG!!!! hahahahahahaha....
cheeky kazim...
notti notti kazim ehehe
Fadd, lama sungguh x baca ur blog. OMG Kazim makin cute laaarhh... Hanif baru je masuk 5 bulan and I'm currently reading on introducing solids in his diet. Any recommendation on useful gadgets? U pakai blender apa ya?
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