so not me!
Oh wait..., I don't think I've ever written anything on fashion( okay..maybe sikit2)..especially on make up,jewelry..bla ..bla ! So this is a start..(applause to myself!) The thing is, when I got pregnant, I dont have a desire to shop..YES you heard me,NADAAAA! I knowwwwww! Im such a boring person but can't help it!! Lg best masa tu kat ...okay I can't remember WHERE but definitely not in Malaysia , tp masa tu ada SALE kat sebelah hotel kami je..sampai 70% camtu..but I don't bother at all!Semua designer brands yer..name it..semua ada!! Kecuali Louis Vuitton la..mana ada sale kan:-) Geddit how MALAS I was that time?so not me!
BUT why do we shop?Certainly we shop because we need basic necessities ..am I right?( More on shopping in next post okay)
However, my husband is such a wonderful person, he became my stylist, personal trainer and personal shopper( the best part is, he provides me everything AND I can spend his MOOLAH :-)..wohhoooo~He shops with passion for bargain and deals...oh yes, that's my darling husband.
Now, let me start with make up.I'm so lucky, thanks to Wanie who invited me to join her SHUEMURA Make up workshop at Sunway Pyramid ..err a few months ago.OK OK I knowwwwwwww this post is soooo outdated. And million thanks to Leen who is willing to pick me up and also my sis: Cik Na who's helping me taking care of Kazim for one whole day! ! Jasamu dikenang :-)
My fascination with make up started when I saw my Ummi wearing it and I was very young.Growing up with 4 brothers ain't easy for me. Mcm tomboy pon ada I ni dulu :-)
First, clean our face with a right cleansing gel/foam or what so ever. ShUemura has their own line of cleansing oil and make up remover. Hari tu I used White recovery Brightening Cleansing oil.Best jugak, ..bila letak kt tangan macam minyak pastu sapu...biar satu muka pastu basuh tangan dan sapu balik muka.Masa ni baru la cam kuar sikit2 buih. Pastu bilas.MMg hilang semua make up.
Then, begin with moisturized skin, oh ya, they put serum too!
Afterward, apply UV underbase mouse SPF30. Ni ala2 buih, cukup sikit je letak kat tapak tangan pastu sapu dengan sponge kat muka. This product helps to even out the skin tone and for lasting make up too!
Dah letak foundation, letakla concealer bawah mata ke mana2 nak cover.( OK I skip this step actually...:p)Pastu letak powder pulak. Pastu pakai blusher, eyeshadow,eyeliner..mascara to add colour!
Anyways. listen here, Nak citer pasal SEPHORA make up lerrr pulak..kat atas dah citer Shuemura kann!!~ I was told by my friend Ayie( ohh I had fun with Ayie yesterday at Empire..nila GOSSIP kami..pasal shopping!!!!) that SEPHORA will be in Malaysia..in fact diorang tgh set up their kedai dah pon..( kalau silap info ni..sorry k..ni cara lisan jerr)!ok..sayo meme ketinggalan keretapi lah, dok tahu gapo2 pon pasal bendo ni.
Ni lg satu nak confess, SEPHORA pon sayo tahu dari adik sayo aka Cik Na dehh..sayo ni maklumlah ore Besut ..mano reti bendo2 goni..haihh!..Paling best, bule lepah kawe sakit mato ni..nok tahu bakpo? sbb....kawe paka eyeliner+eyeshadow expired doh..kawe beli..5 tahun lepah ghaso...hmm see? I dont even bother and that scares me, cos I heard somebody doing her eye operation just because using expired eyeliner! Gosh..thank god Im ok.
In other news, ..skang kakiku dah jadi size 39..dan kadang2 size 40 pon muat:-)
I desperately need a pair of new shoes !!..a pair...?...OR... errr..MORE!:p
u, dah cantik..no need make up dah.....:)
awk tak makeup dah lawa sangat dah cik bam!!!!
entry bkulat nihhhh...hahahaa. punya la lama dok peram, haiyoh bln 10 br publish? :p
menjadi org cantik adalah untung, jimat duit xyah beli make-up ;)
alaa..dah cantik..
jgn buang duit beli make up yek..
nak joinnn the make up workshop!
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