On his birthday, we didnt go anywhere.Mula2 tu..ada la call our sister-Cik Na. nak ajak kluar but too bad..she wasnt in KL.So,we spent time at home, swimming, playing games and all home activities.My brother and sister in law came to our place and brought a gift ..ermm..untuk saper lagi..kalau tak Kazim!
Now Kazim loves to bang two cubes together,open drawers and explore our cabinet!He has so much fun opening and closing the cabinet, doors and..haihhh...semua benda nak bukak! He really enjoy putting objects into basket and takes them out,cruises furniture,throws a ball and pushes away what he doesnt want.
To baba Chik and mama faz, Kazim loves your birthday gift so much! Million thanks to both of you..and Achik too.Oh, we are so flattered!..
Happy Birthday to Kazim, aunt Eira belum jumpe lagi Kazim kan.
Hug & kisses to yr baby babe :)
happy birthday cutie kazim!!
kazim sgt cute...
awwww cute.happy birthday kazim.lets partaaaayyyyy
happy bday kazim,
semoga jadi anak yang soleh dan menyenangkan hati mummy and daddy yerr....
Comel jer kazim...
cikna blm bg present, nt tgu ur bday celebration okeh?
bg kek besarrrrrr bolehhh? =P
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