Dear readers,
Yes, again, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! I had wonderful raya this year, given that everyone was home.We celebrated our first day of raya at my husband's hometown- Yong Peng. Unfortunately, our lil' sister Yah unable to join us.I hope you had a great raya celebration in USA sweetie.I had so wanted to celebrate raya, surrounded by the love of dear siblings and relatives, alhamdullillah, tercapai juga.
I always began my Ramadan with big plans, you know- where to buy baju raya, fashion aper, duit raya bnyk mana nak tukar,decorating the house creatively and entertaining lavishly, buying or baking ten kinds of biskut raya, planning for raya menu, mopping the house and etc..YES, I love Hari Raya.
We started our day with our raya ritual- makan-makan, acara salam-salam&mohon maaf and acara memberi duit raya.Afternoon, went to Parit Medan to visit our relatives.Apeng and I giggled as we examined each relatives especially abah' sister in-law.Best sgt2. After that very interesting raya visit, I was so tired and went back to Yong Peng.The next day...,another interesting ritual and tradition we have in Johor during Raya is Marhaban.Sayangnya, Apeng tak dapat join sbb kaki tak baik betul2.Emak and other siblings were busy preparing for the foods.
All in all, our raya was great and praise to Allah for another Ramadan and Syawal next year.
Okeh, on 25th September, we went to Zuhri&Mira's wedding ceremony.Im officially 35 weeks :-) and yes Im still in a good condition.Oh ya, except I got diarrhea a few days before Raya so I rang the midwifes/gynae to ask them if this is normal as I never suffered with this for a few days. They said, nothing to worry about.Fuhhh lega.
Dada and I.
I am finding it so hard to bend down to pick things up from the floor. My husband has been helping and never complains , he keeps asking me if I'm okay and if I need any help.Thanks baby!!!
Oh ya,Im preparing the nursery now.Time for shopping guys!!!
Will update more on baby stuff later :-).