Hi everybody!
Lama kan tak tulis blog! Anyway, I took these photos today at 1015 am .Here's a preview of what international Apple fans can expect for the iPad 2 launch today. The iPad 2 went on sale in Malaysia about an hour ago as I write this.
Urm, ramainya org nak beli Ipad2 ..ME? Err..perlu ke Ipad2?Huhuhu.
Tapi aper pon ada la jugak 'agak2 terjebak' nak beratur panjang sbb nak beli Ipad2 tapi tiba2 muhasabah diri skejap, terus tak jadi.Well done Fad! Who knows, Ipad3 ke kan:p
But anyways, I did some interview with one of the customer who already bought her Ipad2.
" Kakak, best tak Ipad2?"
" BEST giller! Hey cepatla queue! Nanti tak dapat!"
"Err..I dont think I need one la Kakak.."
" Saper cakap? Everybody needs to have one! It's a must!HAHHAH"
REALLY? euhh..how I wish I have ..like..err tons of money which I can buy what ever I want , without feeling guilty later.
" What time u ada sini?"
" 6am"
and she smiled to me.
Giller, 6am kat subang parade?wooow!
More on my Kazim later!
1 comment:
So true! Cikgu sekolah rendah mcm I ni rasanya tak perlukan Ipad pon. Hehe..but for others, they might need it. takpe tak beli tapi ok je kalau dpt as free gift kan!
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