Last 3 weeks, I spent a few days with Apeng sightseeing in Stockholm, Sweden. I have to admit I wasn't expecting much because I don't hear a lot of stories about travelling in Northern Europe from...urmm anybody!!.But Stockholm turned out to be seriously gorgeous and so comfortable.

The weather was absolutely perfect -it was cool, breezy and sunny. The weather definitely made the whole experience more comfortable and relaxing.

Ohh ya, many places you can visit : museums-Nordic,Vasa,Nobel n bla bla bla..list goes on:) .Ehh, I taknak cerita pasal museum..wahh cemerlang sungguh kalau I gi tauu :p, tp I tau my darling
Hanim sure suka kan museum ni :).
Sorry Nim, nxt time I gi, I will update u kay:p
Jadi, I went to Grona Lund.

If you are looking for an amusement park, Grona Lund is THE place to be! You can find here all traditional rides, where you'll be shaken around in all ways imaginable, from up side down, left to right and of course flying high up into the air and fall even quicker down again.( oohh I can imagine my darlings Harith and Athirah will love this place!!!) With two rollercoaster and a staggering high free-fall attraction, Grona Lund should satisfy the thrill-seeker in you.

Org tu tinggi sgt,muka tak nampak pun.

Luckily, the entrance fee was free for us that day ( our hotel had this..bla bla promotion) Tp kalau nak naik ride kena la bayar, masuk saja okayy :)
Well speaking of entrance fee: It is around Rm35( entrance) + Rm150( rides)
If you don't want to spend a fortune, pack ur lunch or a snack in your bag because like any amusment park, it certaintly isn't cheap to eat there!For muslims, this is a good idea tho!Urmm my dear friend Hanis, asked me about shopping in Sweden.My answer- Do not shop here!!!I can say: very expensive.

Next few days, we went to Manhattan!! Yea~ Ohh tp sungguh sedih all the shops tutup awal due to USA Independence Day Fireworks Celebration. But we had a nice day :)

before naik bus to train station.
Unfortunately, we dont have enough time for another one :(

We are the Gossip Gals :) Thanks to her for being my gedik buddy.

Kami balik before malam sbb taknak crowded dlm train( ada fireworks celebration ). So,shopping time sgt limited and Miss F tak menjadi shopaholic sbb kedai tutup cepat :(
Ohh you name it, everything ada * rolling eyes*- Hanim & Hanis, I wish you were here too!!
Overall, Manhattan is a great place to "spend" a few hours doing some retail therapy :)
My last words,I heart Manhattan and definitely coming again..