Bandung Part 1
A week before jalan-jalan tu, kami dah bgtau Kazim yg kami semua nak jalan-jalan.Pastu mmg siap2 bgtau flight pagi pastu nak kena kuar rumah awal, paling lambat kul 7 pagi.Alhamdulillah, Kazim yang kejutkan kami bgn tidur..huhuhuhu. So, mmg Kazim dengan muka ceria dah tahu yang dia kena mandi awal giller ...zappp..zusss zaaaaaaaaaaaz kami pon siap. Kami mmg purposely pilih flt yg paling awal dr KL utk memaksimumkan masa terhad yg kami ada utk shopping dan jalan2. Maklumla, kami pergi cuma 3 hari 2 malam. Kira pack la itinerary kami.
Mula2 kami nak naik bus je dari KL Sentral-LCCT tetapi memandangkan rombongan Cik Kiah kami ada 'org lama' dan seorang 'org baru' maka kami pon meminta jasa baik Kamal untuk menghantar kami ke airport. (Kamal ni single lagi) -> Apeng/Aman yg suruh promo nih. :)
Our journey to Bandung took about 2 hrs. Lega sbb our flight tak delay. Masa dalam flight, myself dah siap2 sumbat boobies kat Kazim pastu dah siapkan dummy.Masa ni myself dah rasa cam tak sedap badan.Apeng/Aman pulak baru je baik dari demam.Takut jugak kalau2 virus dia merebak kat kami pulak.
Masa dalam flight ni..mmg mencabar sbb Kazim cam tak duk diam.Last2 I sumbat je dummy and bila dia sucking tu takda la telinga dia sakit ke aper kan. The only downside is he cried when I try to pull the dummy off. Mesti dah seronok menghisap dummy la tu.
We reached Bandung around 11am( waktu sana). Sampai je, our complimentary shuttle dah pon ada. Make sure that you have confirmed it with the hotel. Just a simple phone call will suffice. Based on my experience, the hotel staff is more responsive towards phone call compared to emails. Don't ask me why because until now it still baffles me.
We stayed at
Grand Seriti Hotel- kami amik package je terus ngn air asia. Internet booking selalunya IDR798,000 (RM289 per nite) ,tapi kalau nak try your luck,boleh call je diorang terus sbb kadang2 ada promotion. I'm pretty sure u guys know how airasia system works. So, if u can, plan and buy ur ticket as soon as possible to get the best deals. It doesn't work for us because of Mr Apeng/Aman attachment to work.
Speaking of our hotel, it was quite nice place to stay there.The staffs are friendly. The restaurant food is just average tho.Tapi takper, our hotel is close to Rumah Mode(the famous factory outlets which I will blog about it in our next part).Pengangkutan di Bandung pulak mcm mana?
To find your way around in Bandung, there are 4 modes of transportation. Angkutan, taxi, driver/supir and rental car. I'll discard the last option since I have no experience whatsoever. Anybody that have an experience feel free to share it here. Sharing is caring. *wink* So, lets start with the cheapest mode of transportation and weigh in with their own pro and cons.
ANGKUTAN - Bandung's version of bas mini. No aircond, thin seat padding, stuffy, overcrowded(tin sardin), all the similarities are there except its not a bus, its a VAN. This is not just an observation but an actual experience. But, not in this particular trip though. :) If I remember correctly, its a flat rate charge. RP2000 each time you jump in. Can't remember whether you pay on the way in or on the way out though. There is a unique way to tell the driver to stop at your destination, just shout "KIRI! KIRI!".
Pro - cheap.. recommended for a group of boys for the experience.
Cons - imagine bas mini, not suitable for babies and old folks.
TAXI - Blue Bird is the only recommended taxi company if you plan to use it. How to differentiate it from others? Search for the brand BLUE BIRD at the lights on top of the taxi. Its a big company that operates all over Indonesia. I've heard that they have a stringent process in hiring a driver. You pay what is shown on the meter although a few thousand RP as a tips doesn't hurt either.
Pro - affordable, comfortable ride.
Cons - waiting time ( depending on the place, time and weather )
DRIVER/SUPIR - depending on the number of people that you travel with, a car that will fit all of you will be provided. Basically, you have your own car and a driver at your disposal. So, all the decision making of where to go and what to do is yours. If you have a good driver, he will give you a suggestion like where is the best factory outlet, food joints or shop that gives good value for money at Pasar Baru. A little bit of research and surfing the net should provide you with a basic idea of what to do and where to go. Hopefully this entry will help as well. :)
Pro - comfortable, convenient, recommended for anyone travelling with babies and old folks, tailor made itinerary.
Cons - a bit pricey.We paid our supir IDR950,000 for 3 days..approximately RM350.We gave extra IDR50,000 for the tips.

Here are the photos.Enjoy!

Our bedroom

But anyways, we chose to hire Supir for our 3 days 2 nights holiday.Why?First of all sbb kesian kt MIL,takkan la nak suh naik angkutan kan.Kalau naik taxi pon nak kena menunggu jugak so nanti masa terbuang pasal nak tunggu taxi jer. Kami nak jimatkan masa pastu dan mudahkan gerak ke mana-mana. Masa kami gi tu, tgh musim hujan2 so kalau nak tunggu taxi or naik angkutan, agak payah sikitla.Lagipon kami mcm nk kejar masa sbb kami hanya ada 3 days je.So kena gunakan sebaik mungkin.Kalau 5 days ke mcm tu, tak kesah la kan tapi kalau ada org tua takkan la nak suh org tua susah paya pulak kan.So bila ada supir ni takdala terkejar2 sgt.Lagipon kalau ber-holiday dgn kami, kami akan try our best cari the best foods or their signature dish, the best spot to lepak, sight seeing yg best dan of course-acara shopping pon harus ada- ni adik kami Cik Na kata bagus acara bercuti merangkumi semua- Bersiar,Makan dan shopping!
Lepas dah dapat bilik, terus letak barang pastu kami pon terus turun balik sebab perut dah lapar sgt.Pilihan pertama untuk hari itu adalah masakan padang- Restoran Simpang Raya. Ok,pasal tempat makan ni pon I akan briefly citer next post ok.Dah habis makan2 tu kami pon suh Pak Teddy( nama supir kami) hantar terus ke Pasar Baru( inilah tempat jual kain, telekung,kain lace,kad kahwin dann sebagainya)
Rasanya sampai nak tutup kami kat sana.MIL sungguh seronok sekali! Lepas tu rasa camm tekak dahaga lagi terus beli avacado juice.Harga sana murah ..dlm IDR8000( RM3) kat pasar baru.
Tapi kesian sgt Kazim sbb badan dia mula dah rasa tak sedap, mcm dah nak demam camtu( tapi kami bawak PROGESIC (his medicine) sbb kalau aper2 jadi kami akan bagi).Tambah lagi myself pon dah rasa tak sedap badan.Masa ni rasa nak balik je terus sbb badan dah lemah. Lepas tu kami terus suh Pak Teddy bawak ke mana2 factory outlets dulu before dinner.So pergila kami ke Grande.Hmm harga sini mmg lagi murah dari tempat lain.Choice limited tapi yg pastinya lagi murah la sbb yours truly dah compare :-)
Zup zapp zupp..dah habis situ malamnya kami dinner kat D Cost Seafood( I will blog about it later k) Then after that beli ubat for myself pastu terus balik hotel.Masa ni aku dah rasa nak pitam pon ada, rasa nak balik rumah sendiri pon ada..arghhhh tak sukanyaaaaaaaa bila berjalan sakit ok! Hangin satu badan. Balik je terus lap2 badan Kazim, tukarkan baju then zaaaaaaass dia terus tidur! Hmm nampak sgt dia sgt penat!
Okeh part 2 menyusul kemudian.
I have to get ready for Dani's birthday and Diah's Wedding gathering.
See ya!