Dear friends,
Hi! Mcm mana raya? Bnyk mkn?I ate so much! Tak makan, rugi..kan?Oh YE, mmg ramai tanya, tak buat open house ke? Ok ni jawapan dari hati ke hati:
"Kami bagi cann org lain buat open house pulak"
But anyways, last Friday, we went to Scrumptious Restaurant, Jln Liew Weng Chee off Jln Yap Kwang Seng to celebrate Diella's birthday.I opted to celebrate her birthday on 17th September (her actual birth date is 18th September) due to..hmm 18th September fell on Saturday and she insisted to organize her OWN BIRTHDAY PARTY at her house. I made the invites myself through FB and sms ( thanks to the technology!)
WHY Scrumptious?
First, sbb kami tak pernah pergi. Pastu my sister in law kata situ OK nak buat party2..cozy dan cantik.Then, BIRTHDAY GAL suka sgt concept English Style( mmg mcm her house sikit interior restaurant ni) Yang paling penting yours truly tgk kt Jalan-jalan Cari Makan*smile*
Yang diajak dalam 10 org( semua her close friends sahaja)..,sorry friends and readers, I wish I can invite all of you, but hey, this is not my BIRTHDAY PARTY!*big grin* Sad that some of her friends can't make it due to..raya open house, working, balik kampung..tatau jalan..tatau tempat, ada family gathering dinner and many more. At the end of the day, who was around?
saper lagi ??
the usual suspects:
adoiiii! mmg surprise habis laaa. Sbb meja semua i booked 10 persons!tp at last kami berlima (tupon campur si kecik ni) BUT I did call the restaurant to inform them that it will be ONLY the 4 of us, tp mereka kata..tak pe..biar je meja tu.We are supposed to be placed in the VIP room
( I requested masa mula2 call, sbb ingat ramai..pastu kalau ramai mestila nak private sikit kan)Tapi sbb kami je, so diorang letak kt luar tu pon dah OK.
The best Surprise Party Ever kan?
In fact, trick ni la yang paling best.
KENAPA BEST?Org selalu buat bila sampai sana..tadaaaa~ tiba2 ramai org kan?Or pergi mula2 berdua tiba2 tadaaa~ ramai2 dtg buat surprise kat birthday gal..tapi yang ni?KONON panggil ramai2 tapi tup2 yang dtg??
Lagi best! tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
TAK DA ORG!OOps..adala...KAMI :-)
Masa semua kata taklih dtg..kami camm adoiiii, mcm mana ni?
Nak tak nak takkan kami nak cancel..I know Diella will say TAK I must keep my promise. Jadi, acara tetap diteruskan..Bila sampai sana(
ok ..kami lambat, birthday gal dah tunggu kat dm kereta sbb kami kuar after maghrib..padahal kat sana pon boleh solat --ada ruang solat) Ermm bila sampai..kami pon tunggu birthday gal masuk...
2010 beauty queen goes to:-
Mistress Hermanas :-) oopsie..
My own version of MISS UNIVERSE aka The Birthday Girl!

I see beauty in you..Your shoulders are beautiful because you hold more weight than you should be able to bear. peace!"-beauty queenBila birthday gal sampai, terus pakaikan crown dan sash. Merasa la ala2 beauty pageant gitu. Abaikan my armpit, I'm so sweaty b'cos arranging the deco on the table..wall(
dan sbb lambat..huhuhu)..bla bla..
Happy birthday babeh!

Nampak tak kerusi bnyk kan?haaa..hebatkan kami ber5 jer tapi meja bukan main panjang lagi..hebatkan surprise party ni?

While I feel..hmm quite sad because some of her friends can't make it (
the saying is true..the more is merrier!), nevertheless we had a jolly grand time together..and as for me I had fun from preparing especially the gifts, to the actual party, to the day after the party! Until now I still get the giggles whenever a specific memory from the party strikes..sbb nya?! I try nak buat surprise sekali I yg terSURPRISE sbb takda org yg datang!!Biasala kan musim raya, masing2 ada commitment.

I prepared this for everybody..hmm isinya? Fridge Magnet.

And ..thanks to Diella's BF ..for driving her to the place .Here are the photos taken by my husband:-

say cheeseee!--dont bother my face..huhuhu:p

Loving couple:-)

Bila dah habis acara TERkejut,kami pon order food. See my face? It's my way of saying..
"I'm starving people!..:-) let's eat!"
We ordered their recommended dish- Ikan Patin Pizza and Oglio Seafood Spaghetti , then Diella and Nazri had lamb and ribs steak respectively.Ikan Patin pizza ,sama mcm mkn pizza lain tp bentuk mcm ikan patin..different la sket, asyik tgk pizza bulat or square or rectangular. The taste OK, boleh tahan sedap, yang penting takde bau ikan. Spaghetti plak, I rasa resepi tu chef buat sendiri kut sbb normally most chef guna chilli flakes tp here dia org guna cili padi.Malaysian style! So, a little bit more spicy and basah than usual. Lamb shoulder and steak kena suruh dia org yg buat review sbb I tak rasa pun, boleh buat reason utk pergi next time. :p

Kami berempat pon tak kesah laaa...janji celebrate kan.Ingatan tulus ikhlas tu penting!tak gitu?

Sempat lagi berFB!Caitttt!

Mask for everybody!...err including Kazim :-)

Kazim, Sit still, please!

Next was"acara meniup lilin".
Thanks to Scrumptious team for singing her a birthday song and brought out the birthday cake.They brought out the birthday cake after we'd finished our meal. The best part is its on the house. :)

I stared at the photo for a moment,then I sat down on my bed, I realized, we were wearing BLUE!hmm..tak plan langsung!!Adakah ini maksudnya kami sehati dan sejiwa?Blueeeks:p

I gave her BFF certificate :p..cewah!

Babe, you are always my MISS UNIVERSE or RATU dihatiku( mcm lagu awie plaks!)I hope it'll be a super-terrific 17 *cough* err i mean 27 for you & fabulous 365 days ahead!Amin.Again, forgive me for being late!!
Love you lots, always!
p.s: Million thanks to My husband for EVERYTHING you have done with me and for me!