Monday, April 14, 2008

My Best Friend's Wedding

I found this movie to be delightful entertainment. I grinned, I laughed, and I was even tempted to sing along (always a bad idea). And yet, when you look at the elements of the movie, it is surprising that it worked so well.urmm..I am the biggest fan of this movie. But im here not to write about the movie plot summary.

On the 7th March 2008,we went to raub to attend my best friend's wedding.As u can see(above)it was before the akad ceremony.



We were there till 4pm.Many thanks to D&family-the food was simple but yummy.Thanks to my lovely husband who can stayed overnight,heheh.
Do you know what is marriage?As ive been told by my darling friend,munirah(she gave me this ke ape tah)-Marriage is not all a Fairy tale. As a conclusion, it's important that when you love a person- love him or her the way he or she is and not the way you want him or her to be.
Then only you can be happy.A happy married life calls for constant commitment and concern for each other. There are few small and minute aspects, which we tend to forget in our married life, as we get busy with the daily chores(housewife bnyk kerja tauu). So at times it is important to indulge in those minute details of a married life, which will constantly remind each other of the love and concern being present.
Last but not least,i can conclude by the quote of Barnett Brickner, which says it, all that "Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate."


Anonymous said...

"...and they lived happily ever after!"

The Zonan Factor said...

u r one cool housewife!! :-D