Each time we had our date, hatiku berbunga :-)
Few mths ago, apeng and I decided to set aside once a week as our date night.( tak bole nak letak hari ape bcos of his working schedule tak tentu ada ke tak) and we have "pizza night" on Saturday ( while watching reality shows; AF,Sehati Berdansa...)
You may ask why gedik sgt nk buat "date night" after marriage. Mmm..It helps us to discover more of each other, understand each other’s dreams, share ideas about betterment of career (obviously his career..heheh). After marriage every couple feels that they understood about each other very well. .(tp kdg2 bnyk lg yg tak paham..) We talk from our heart which you may not be doing in everyday routine. Then we will understand we are missing ‘something’.
TP..ckp benda2 camtu kat rumah pun boleh kan?Takyah la nk kuar2.
BUT..this is our way :-) Saja suka-suka.Tukar2 environment.
You don’t have to go out nak buat benda2 camni kan,kt rumah pun boleh...dining on a candlelit dinner alone in the house,will be a great idea... romantik kan?Ok per..
The dinner itself is more comfortable and save cost!
Urmm, time bf-gf uptown jela, no fancy place yer :p ( ohh no offense..I love going to uptown, in fact skang pun pergi )What I mean is..masa bf-gf , apeng taknak bawak gi fancy places sbb dia taknak mbazir kot..hehehhe. Ntah la, apsal ek, sampai skang pun aku duk pk kenapakah...( ke sbb kalau tak jadi kahwin rugi??)Bole pk camtu?hahahha
So,ape2 pun setiap org ada cara mereka.Terpulanglah :-)
p.s:Thanks baby :-)