Friday, March 6, 2009

Leen's Surprise Birthday

Lately, sgt bz ( u know why kan Hanis& Leen :p)I was planning to surprise Leen since..ntah bila dah.Luper! Tp selalu je ada hal.Thanks to Yus sbb tolong call kan Leen.I was planning to celebrate on weekends but due to Hanis bz day, kenala buat weekdays. Supposedly, Yus& Su dah join tp sbb weekdays, diorang kerja.Sorry darlings.
By the way, Hanis dah cerita semua and I did cilok all the photos from her...MUAHAHA.Sorry dear.My cam hari tu..hmm u know what happened!
The best thing..I also got my belated birthday gift from Hanis.I love them so much.Serious cantik sgt!
But, aper2 pun comelnya Ayra that day! I wish I can hold her tp tak sempat pon! Dah pun kena balik.I was in Mid Valley from 12 noon till 6pm..can u believe it?And 6pm both me n Hanis dah kena balik. Nasib ada Hanis, kalau tak kebosanan hidupku.Nasib menjadi surprise party tu, kalau tak harus hijau mukaku :p
AND to Iza, adoii "benda" u bila ni nak amik?
And of course to Leen:
"Happy Birthday!Love ya."


haneebee said...

Cantiklah rambut anda. Teringin berambut pendek juga. Hehe.

Anda ditag ya. =)

Unknown said...

glad u like it!

Anonymous said...

babe..bile nak jumpa nihh..
present u nih penat i simpan tau!!

wani pon sama jugakk :P..
u lagi la super lama dahh nihh

Pink Stilettos said...

ha tula kne jumpa lagi la. present u pon i tak bagi lagiii...