Dear readers,
As I told you earlier..I have a craving issue..YES..Im craving for Japanese Foods.
I plan to meet Ayie on Monday but we had to postpone since we
balik kampung.So we decided to meet on Tuesday night.Ayie called me earlier to remind us about the meeting..ermm thanks to her for setting up the place..
"Darling..mlm ni jadi jumpa tak?"
"jadi..jadi..kt mana?"
"urmm nnti I cari place okey.."
Kami sampai dalam kul 4ptg kat rumah dari Yong Peng.Zupp zaaaaaaazzzzzz terus siap2.Okey amik gambar dulu before kuar rumah.

I didnt know it would be Tenji Japanese Buffet tho.We arrived there around 745pm( quite late actually).The dinner buffet started at 5.30pm-930pm.
Surprisingly, the place was full house!!
It was our first time to
Tenji at Solaris Mont Kiara( can call them at 1700 80 1818) and second time for Ayie and Mizan.
The interior is fabulous.The price? RM88++ and 50% for the second diner, not bad huh!(check the link for the latest promotion)As for the food..I must say..not bad at all.
There were BBQ section, sushi section, sashimi, oysters, steamboat, western,soups,stim fish, dessert counter, air kelapa, ice cream- baskin& robin, haagen dazs and japanese brand which I cant recall the name :p.
Tak sempat nk amik gambar makanan sbb kami sgt lapar.Owhh masa itu emas,buffet habis 9.30pm so kami terus amik makanan.

Sepanjang jalan kt belakang ni ada ala2 gerai food,ada lamb ribs pastu ada ketam bakar. Seperti biasa, sbb masa ni kami takda stroller so bila nk mkn ..kenala pegang Kazim ni.

OK ni dah bersiap sedia nk amik food.pakai sling ni lagi senang, nak amik food pon boleh guna 2 tangan..nk mkn pon boleh jer.Masa ni la rasa camm..waaaahh kalau ada stroller kan bagus :p So bila yours truly nak amik food, Kazim pon ikut la..mcm koala bear kan?Melekat jerrr.Tp bagusla dia tak nangis pon,tgk je bila mak dia amik food semua2 tu.Tp mmg bnykla mata memandang..weird ke pakai camni sambil amik food?Macam org gaji ke ?Ermm.. rasa camm biasa jerr..

Mika ni suka mkn soba ( japanese noodle) dan stim fish..Dahla suka mkn, comel sgt. Pastu bila food jatuh kt baju dia, dia akan terus lap , sgt pembersih! Bila nampak penyapu terus nak sapu..ohh tiba2 teringat ngn anak2 ku -Harith,Athirah & Uzair.Pon suka penyapu.

Masa ni amik gambar before nak makan sbb kena pantas dan cekap..kalau tak nnti tak cukup masa..huhu( dahla sampai lambat kan)

Finally Kazim can fit into this baju! It was given by Aunty Haneem..thank you sweetie!

Ayie pon suka kelapa ni.

Suka sgt dgn air kelapa ni.Comeyy plak tu kecik je tapi air dia.sgt menyegarkan..Balik sampai teringat2 yer..mcm nak je lagi.

Gambar dgn pasangan masing2 mestilah ada.Next time kalau Syauqi+ Nuhman ada pon best..ohh ya lg sorang Subly :p

Heard about Jogoya standard food dia dah turun sikit..tp Jogoya pon ada promotion jugak now..mcm menarik je kan.Kalau tak silap Lunch RM78++ pastu second person RM19.90++..takper next week ada lagi kan? Jadi lepas ni kami nk gi Jogoya pulak walau ada org kata standard food dah turun ke aper, since ada promotion tu..baik gunakan sebaiknya :p.Shogun pon ada promotion 20% weekdays and 15% weekends..tp hari tu dah 2 kali kami pergi..cam nk tempat lain pulak
Oklah..mcm nk survey nak gi mana next week.Apeng's mom and his sister taklih join for this trip due to..Cik Na ada interview so nampak gaya kami bertiga lah akan jalan-jalan cari pasal.
Till next time!