As promised, here are the photos at Universal Studios, Hollywood. We spend a half day at Universal Studios. The ticket gives you access to all the attractions.Both of our tickets cost nearly RM500....Pastu THE ONLY one yg Kami enjoy ialah Shrek 4d ni jer sbb yang lain kami tak dapat nak naik.nak gilir2 boleh tapi tak best la..mestila nak naik berdua jugak.
at WISTERIA LANE...mana lagi :p
Furthermore, at the FRONT LOT (oohh I forgot Stage 25 kot) where they actually shoot CSI
War of the world
This scene where the plane crashes the house
Furthermore, at the FRONT LOT (oohh I forgot Stage 25 kot) where they actually shoot CSI

War of the world
This scene where the plane crashes the house
Psycho Set.
Hari tu baru tgk kt HBO....
Sedikit tips kalau ke Universal Studios:Hari tu baru tgk kt HBO....
- Sit on the left side of the tram (Studio Tour) for better views. Most of the actions- tokyo drift, rain and flood..etc semua kat sebelah kiri.
- Plan( ni penting tu org2 yg time dia limited, tp kalau mmg tak takperla)!! The rides and the other attractions are spread over two levels (upper Lot and lower Lot) so if you dont have a lot of time you may want to check the schedule first.Kami main hentam je gi mana2 last2 bila nk beratur utk Studio Tour tu lama la pulak.kalau kami plan awal2, mesti takda la lama cam hari tu
- Buy ticket online.Jimat masa.Tak payah nak pk nak beli ticket ke aper bila sampai sana.Click here to buy.Pastu dtg awal dengan siap2 print sbb kdg2 ramai yg beratur jugak.
- Kalau boleh pergi weekdays, or masa diorang tak cuti ( Mexico holidays pon amik kira sbb Mexico kan dah dekat ngn LA) including Japan's holidays.
- If you're willing to pay extra money to save the hassle of standing in line, buy a "Front of Line" or they call FAST TRACK pass, as well as VIP passes (private tours) .This will allow you to jump the cool is that?Huhuhu
A water play area for the kids. It is quite popular during summertime.

The talking donkey from SHREK the Movie.Comel sgt boleh ckp2.I could spend days watching him . Well..that's jakun!

Thanks baby..kenyang sudAh !
Mumsy was there to look after Kazim , jadi bolehlah kami naik semua ride tu dengan senang hati. Plus, I know my mother mmg tak main semua2 ride tu . Ooohh I wish! ..OR I really wish my SIL aka my bro's wife was there because she also tak suka main semua2 tu.Ohh..Next time I 'll make sure one of them kena ada!!!
Oh ya, some says, WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS, u dah tak berapa suka nak shop
especially barang sendiri..kan kan? u akan pk anak dulu..aper2 semua anak dulu kan?Tak beli untuk diri sendiri pon tak kesah..asal anak dulu
Ermm..btol ke?
Btol la tu..kannnn
Well..that's not me :p
Cos, I still love to shop..for myself..!
( but not this time okehh)
Ohh more on our last day in LA and Jalan-Jalan cari pasal kat Taipei
p.s:Yups ..yang nak FMs tu nanti I upload photos ok!
especially barang sendiri..kan kan? u akan pk anak dulu..aper2 semua anak dulu kan?Tak beli untuk diri sendiri pon tak kesah..asal anak dulu
Ermm..btol ke?
Btol la tu..kannnn
Well..that's not me :p
Cos, I still love to shop..for myself..!
( but not this time okehh)
Ohh more on our last day in LA and Jalan-Jalan cari pasal kat Taipei
p.s:Yups ..yang nak FMs tu nanti I upload photos ok!