The tunang was scheduled on 16th August 2008 at 830 pm. Redza's entourage came at about 830pm ( kan..?). The best thing, cepat je they all bincang. Sedar tak sedar,dah habis pun ceremony tu.I took my sweetest time nak posing2 :)
The idea is to make this more intimate event than the wedding itself.I guess so.
Ohh ya, my conversation with husband at D's house :
Me : D's fiance budak *STAR
B, u kenal anyone from *STAR tak?
*SBP/ boarding school
Apeng : Urmm..Husni, Abu bla bla bla
Me: I mean your age lar..
Apeng: Kenal, ada nama nickname Gajah, Nyamoq..tp muka tak igt dah sbb dah lama.
Me: Ooohh..mcm mana kenal?
Apeng : Rugby :)
So, my husband went to salam Redza.Ntah mcm mana terkeluar la yg my husband tny dia sekolah STAR ke.Apeng tanyala kenal anyone from *Jenan,
Redza told him dia kenal Mat Red( oohh sungguh glamer ye kamu :p), Kamal..and... Aman..!!
Apeng : Ehh..aku la aman tu.Aku kenal budak sekolah ko jugak.Gajah, nyamoq..
Redza : Akula Nyamoq..
Rupa2nya dah kenal tp time skolah dulu.
Small world huh.
hantaran by both