Okeh, Selamat Hari Raya.Maaf Zahir Batin!
Drive Safely peeps!
Menu raya will be :-
Itu saja yang dapat difikirkan :) maybe will add later.Anyway, to all my muslim friends, Eid Mubarak! Sorry body & Soul guys.Kalau tersilap kata ke, tersalah ape2 ke, Im really sorry :)
"Hish..kesian dia..dahla kurus kering..tolak trolley pun susah"
Well..hellooooo..ohh thanks for kurus kering yerr..but can u just help me instead of saying that words to me?haihh! But heyy i dont mind jadi kurus kering, my husband loves my body :p+ I got..( oohh ok ok..forget about this..Im talking crap tak pasal-pasal)..breath fad,breath.nak raya mana bole marah!:)
Went there dalam kul 12.00pm mcm tu, 2.30pm baru habis!Imagine ramainya org, crowded.Nak bayar pun susah.Then I went back, kena rushing pulak nak ke The Curve.I thought nak gi Subang Parade balik cari gift, but since Leen kata dah jammed, terus la ikut NKVE nak gi The Curve. 26th September was hanis birthday. Ohh It was a surprise birthday celebration.
We had our buka puasa aka birthday celebration at Bubbagump Shrimp.I would say..the foods ....tak sssedaappp!!!~ahahaa..Im sorry Hanis! Salad je yang sedap.Leen tried NY steak tp mcm tak best je..Mine ..mcm muak je.
Oohh baby, I wish you were with me last night!
Pastu yg paling best, hanis kena naik kerusi kot.Semua nyanyi " happy birthday" .I can see her face, cam ..malu+segan kot.( kan hanis..?) But it was fun guys!
After that dah kena rushed balik Shah Alam, nak amik duit raya pulak from Aima. Fuhh..dari pagi sampai malam berjalan!!!
Ohh, I miss my husband so much, cant wait to see him tomorrow!Yeahh~
*photos,kena mintak ngn Leen:p..takpun hanis,takpun Iza
Im so excited.yabeda beduuuuu~
... Buka Puasa at the heart of KL, Kuala Lumpur Convention CentrePrice : RM85++ Adult, RM42++ ChildFor reservation, please call 03-23332866Website: http://www.klccconventioncentre.com/(For a party of 10, 1 goes for free)(20% discount for CIMB, SBB & Direct Access card members, T & C apply)
.... Ramadhan Buffet at Nipah Coffeeshop, Hotel Equatorial, KL
Price : RM92++ Adult, RM46++ Child
For reservation, please call 03-21617777 ext 8220
Website : http://www.equatorial.com/kul
... Gema Ramadhan 'Selera Kampung' Buffet Dinner at Brisdale Hotel, KL
Price : RM38++ Adult, RM28++ Child
For reservation, please call 03-26948833
Website : http://www.brisdale.com.my/
...Heard about PJ.Hilton Hotel too.
...Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur2 Jalan Stesen SentralKuala Lumpur Sentral, Kuala LumpurReservation:603–2263 7434,Price:Al NafourahRM98.00++ per adult, RM49.00++ per child below 12Price:Latest RecipeRM98.00++ per adult, RM49.00++ per child below 12Price:Sultan’s BallroomRM88.00++ per adult, RM44.00++ per child below 12
...Sheraton Subang Hotel and TowersJalan SS12/1,Subang JayaReservation:603 - 5031 6060.Price:Terazza BrasserieRM88.00++
.... Buffet Ramadhan at Cyberview Lodge Resort & Spa, CyberjayaPrice : RM80++ Adult, RM40++ ChildFor reservation, please call 03-83127091Website : http:// http://www.cyberview-lodge.com/
...Al Mubarak Ramadhan Buffet at Grand Blue Wave Hotel Shah AlamPrice : RM85++ Adult, RM50++ Children & Senior CitizenFor reservation, please call 03-55118811 ext 2612Website : http://www.bluewavehotels.com/
...Traditional Buka Puasa Buffet at Dondang Sayang Coffee House, Corus Hotel, KLPrice : RM76++ Adult, RM49++ ChildFor reservation, please call 03-21618888Website : http://www.corushotelkl.com/(50% discount on 1-4 Sept, 28-30 Sept)...
...Saloma Theatre Restaurant Price RM65 nett pp/RM75 net pp ( with cultural show), 03-21610122/ 012-2013136 ( Shawn)
...Place: Kampachi @ Hotel Equatorial Bangi-PutrajayaPrice: Take Set: RM52++Sakura Set: RM62++Matsu Set: RM72++Subject to 10% Service Charge and 5% Government TaxContact: 603 - 8210 2222 / 8925 1111Link: http://www.equatorial.com/bng/index.php?navi_id=10&lang=1
...And the list goes on..Well everywhere ada buffet.
Anyone pernah dengar Kunang-Kunang?
Our ..buffet package from RM 47.00++/adult and RM 25.00++/child 6-12 years old, Kunang-Kunang Restaurant special buffet promotion starts from 7pm to 12.00 am daily. For reservation please contact:Office: 03-4105 2015Fax : 03-4107 7015Fariz : 012-229 5830Syed : 012-971 0832info@kunangkunang.com.myhttp://www.kunangkunang.com.my/buffetxramadhanx2008.html
So ppl, any idea?