Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Call to write :Love or Rebound?

The qur'an also says "And of everything we created a pair, that happily you may remember." (Qur'an 51:49)
What will you do if you are in this situation ? Ive met few ppls yang kahwin dengan org yang mereka tak suka or not in love-(rebound) but ended up, the marriage turn well! In fact sgt bahagia! BUT ada jugak, seumur hidup mengungkit! Ada saja tak kena.
You feel desirable and confident again. Somebody likes you! And being liked always feels great.

And somebody asked me, what IF..he is the right guy..love me and bla bla..BUT at last 'putus di tengah jalan"
My answer for this : We never know what happen next, what can we do, try our best to substain the r/ships and give our best. Berdoa bnyk2, semoga Allah sentiasa tolong.
At least IF ape2 jadi, kita dah usaha+tawakal, btul tak?IF tak lih jugak..ada hikmah la tu.(paham-paham jela)
p.s: Anita, I teringat Lagu 'Cinta" time summer camp :p
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Big bag VS Clutch -Latest Trends?

Ohh.. i think I've seen them carried with everything, even jeans! I found a clutch with an optional strap, so if you got tired of carrying it you could pop on the strap and voila, shoulder bag,the strap is skinny so would fit in the bag easily.

'Dynasty' the 1980s television fantasy soap
As you can see, Clothes done in contrasting colours with imposing shoulder pads.(ala-ala pemain American Football kan?) Hair..was mm..enormous! Make up was insanely obvious. So the Q, how could handbags compete? By being clutch bags. And, Slim envelopes were ideal. So, are we back to 1980's fashion trend? ehhhe.

Is this for real?????Burberry has launched an online waiting list for its metal spike clutch.Oohh.. I have to pass :).Naah thank you. Tak kira la 'limited edition ke, waiting list ke, Burberry ke! No .No! Anyway, tak kesahla branded ke, takda nama ke asalkan the 'items' kena dgn gaya, am i right peeps?
To put it in a nutshell, it comes down to the same basic question. It's either fashion or comfort. Just like high heels :-)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Letter To A Friend
I will always love you, you will forever be in my thoughts, and I will always be here if you need me.
Weekend without Husband :-)
mmm..I love makan-makan! Last weekend, went to K.Ita's house for Raya Open house.( Org sini celebrate raya sebulan kan..) The foods..were super-duper yummy and bnyk sgt!!! She ordered semua the best! Kuih-muih jugak ada, air semua bagai ada. The best part, I ate almost EVERYTHING!! heheh..Mula-mula mkn kt luar, pastu masuk dlm makan lagi, pastu turun bawah mkn lagi..huhuhuhu. Melantak habis!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wife is a HARIMAU, girlfriend is HARI HARI MAU
And some says: Wife is like TV, girlfriend is like Hand phone (HP)
At home watch TV, go out bring HP.
No money, sell TV. Got money change HP.
Sometimes enjoy TV, but most of the time play with HP.
TV free for life but HP, if you don't pay the services will be terminated
TV is big, bulky and most of the time old, but hand phone is cute, slim,curvy and very portable at any time.
Operational cost for TV is often acceptable, but for HP is high and oftendemanding,
Most important, TV got remote but HP don't have..
Last but not least,
TV do not have virus, but HP yes.. have VIRUS, once get it, HABIS LA..
so better choose TV
Upgrade to LCD or Plasma TV (Slim and Chun)
Less maintenance too especially they are easy on the electricity bills.
Is good to be safe than sorry.
I read this somewhere.
Enjoy peeps!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
datuk Bollywood?;-)

Friday, October 17, 2008
The Call to write: Ex???

I met this one makcik at my yoga class yesterday.
makcik : ooo..dah kawin ke?First love ke?sbb kawin muda!
Me : urmm..saya tatau first love mcm mana! I just want to marry him!
makcik : Ohh..ada ex tak?( im not sure why she asked me about this) Ni husband kenal lama ke?
Me : Ex?Scandal..ape2 la nama..semua ada. Yups few past before him, but not that serious.... Dgn husband 3 yrs kenal tp...mmg pernah broke up!basically, Im married to..my ex!
makcik : haaa...?
ape lagi nak kata?yups,i am married to my ex-bf. We broken up few yrs ago-time tu BF-GF la.( i cant remember few times ke tak) BUT yess..we are happier than before!
After all, kami belajar from mistakes. Urmm .( And heyy.. im not flirting around when i am still his GF!all the scandalous..teman tapi mesra ,flirt buddies, apply bila i am single ONLY!when im back to him..means im ONLY with him! nadaaa with someone else!) ..! Reason broke up: I was busy with classes and he was busy working ..Maybe rasa nk " have a break,have a kit-kat.."
Bila pk balik, we may have missed performing these three important things – affection, apology and action. When you know it’s your fault, forget about pride and hug him or her instantly. Apologize for your actions and promise not to do the same thing again, right?
Someone told me that keeping relatinships stronger do not depend only on the good things, but also on how bad things have changed you to become a better couple.

Lack of communication is one of the most important causes that could destroy a relationship. This is because men do not think the way as women do, and vice versa..kan? Because of this, we may think differently of the actions..
Regardless of how long you’ve been together, it is important to schedule a “quality time” that you and your partner could talk things out. You may disagree about hundreds of things during a conversation, but at least you know what the other likes and dislikes. *wink-talking through experience ni!!
*and plsss dont make assumption( as makcik2 kepochi) that "our broken up" disebabkan each of us ada affair.again, I am flirting when I am single ONLY!!
But, good things, after broken up, we analyze ourself. We started to love each other more n more! And the feeling yg mcm..I could not describe! and ..., I know that he is the one! Vice versa. I cant stop thinking about him, day..night..mana2 saja. vice versa.Kalau kuar ngn org lain pun sure teringat kat si dia....kalau ada org knalkan kt sape2 pun, bila kluar ngn org tu, sure cerita about him....the main topic- mmg pasal dia saja. Kesian org tu jadi listener pulak!
Bila dah broke up tu mcm rindu melampau pulak. Well, cliche' je bunyi kan- kalau jodoh tak ke mana?
One thing that you must understand is that it will take some effort to turn things in the right direction in your relationship. Any and all relationships take some nurturing to keep them healthy and happy. Always remember to stay calm. Arguing or raising your voice is not an option
Till then..
I love him so badly.
Now and forever.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
una grande famiglia felice ( one big happy family)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Celebrating Eid
Last night was fun. All the masak-masak thingy, date with Mr.Tv( ada bnyk drama kat tv, tatau mana nk tgk dah!) .I loveeee Raya eve so much. Apeng & me celebrated Raya at our house.
This morning,we went for the morning Raya prayer.Then ,we had some photography sessions at our place with Ummi & my bro's family.( thanks to them, sbb dtg all the way from Bangi )
12.45 pm, husband off to work -He'll be back on 4th October !!. Although we missed family in Yong Peng & Besut very much, we thank Allah as we still managed to have a very pleasant Hari Raya....yay!!~
And now, this happy girl is surfing the internet during Hari Raya!! :-)
Selamat Hari Raya peeps!
Sorry for all wrongdoings.