Pregnancy Diaries
Hi all,
Being 6 months pregnant, I am positively glowing, happy, excited, healthy,vibrant and feel wonderful, in the prime of my pregnancy..thanks to pregnancy hormone! Measuring bigger but not yet bulky, at pregnancy 6 months I probably love every minute of attention that is poured on me as a mommy to be.
I feel beautiful when I’m pregnant, because my husband makes me feel beautiful.My husband, he is a wonderful person inside and out, the one who taking care of me since we have been married 3 years ago.I always get special treatment from him ( not only because I am pregnant) but ever since we were officially husband and wife. He was there to rub my back through 25 weeks of ALL DAY -NIGHT, then massage my feet and give me a cuddle. There are so many ups and downs to be being pregnant.Allah bless my husband for sticking it out with me without knowing why.There would be moments where we would be watching our favorite series/dramas or movies and it would be making us laugh hysterically and the next second I would be in tears for who knows what :p. I am a very friendly person who likes to joke around and have fun but there were times when someone said something to me that was supposed to be a joke and I took it the wrong way.
I am so sorry , I really dont mean to hurt anyone. It was just one of those emotional outbursts that I had for no apparent reason.Punish me phhhlease!
Now let's get into the fun part.
YES indeed, I love being pregnant and definitely going to miss it( but of course I wanted to hold our son in my arms .)!! I always get a special treatment from my family (on both sides) especially Abg.Chik & K.Fuz, my friends.....umm most of the peoples!!! I got warming wishes from strangers.Everywhere I go, people come and say hi.
"hey you are pregnant?How many months???"
"Lovely tummy"
"hey mama!"
"take care dear"
"Ohh dear, dont go there..dont eat should eat this"
"U may go in first"
" U can seat worries"
People always notice now. They open doors for me more now. They move out of my way, they help me out all of the time. People look at me differently as well, even strangers. I almost always get a smile just for walking by - and I love that.
Not to mention, I can cut lines too :p.How amazing!( oh puuuuhhhlease..I dont do that.First come first serve) Being pregnant is an exciting journey because no one's journey is the same as mine.
When I am doing my work-outs , my instructor will always give me extra attention.How lovely!I'm really enjoying being pregnant, and have felt GREAT. I love every single second of being pregnant because it is my first and I have never experienced this before. It is so new and fulfilling and I cant wait for my newborn son to arrive into this world( even I have to admit Im gonna miss being pregnant)
Going all the way to my 17 weeks of pregnancy, I started feeling the movements,it was little flutters that at times felt more like a butterfly in my belly to the kicks that you literally could see through my shirt I enjoyed each one.It is amazing to not only be able to feel him move but even identifying what he is doing.What a life!I love talking to my little one inside me, especially while my baby Apeng was away.The only feeling that I shared with my son.
In the beginning of my pregnancy,I cant believe I was pregnant. As a matter of fact, I don't have any sicknesses.Lucky me!
Furthermore, I love my body with this new curves.Plus, expecting a baby can mean bigger boobs, better curves and for some people- flushed skin. I feel more sensual and sexy!My obscene boobs are nice but finding bras..umm is not fun anymore!!My boobs have went up 2 cup sizes. Sure, I don't like the stretch marks, or how my thighs seem to be growing at the same rate as my belly, but overall I really love I wont talk about stretch marks.I know they're ugly!But the best part is, my baby Apeng loves my pregnant body.I feel grateful that my husband loves my pregnant body.
I may get this statement..
"Ala, anak first surelah husband sayang.Try kalau dah anak ramai esok2..sure dia takda camtu punya"
"Anak sulong, husband sure tatang mcm minyak yg penuh punya!"
In that case,let me embrace while "it" lasts.You never know what happen next, huh:-)
Now, I have only few weeks to cherish my 2nd trimester and I will be entering the last trimester which Im worried about labor pain and all.Ive been dreaming each night about labor pain and knowing me as a scaredy-cat, I have to admit, IM SO SCARED.I dont know whether I can go thru the whole labor pain thingy or even strong enough to face it.
So in my final three months, my main goal is to just enjoy it. No matter how painful getting out of bed in the middle of the night with a full bladder is, no matter how bad the heartburn is really enjoy it.
As for this moment, let me be in love with my pregnant body because this time will be a cherished memory for the rest of my life!
p.s: dear Ano, all the x-ray kt airport tu doesnt harm the baby :-) So dont worry okay.Just make sure you are healthy enough to make a journey!
Thanks for all the support guys!!!!
i'm happy reading ur blog...when u r happy....u r glowing dear....
it feels like i knew u...but i don't...
hope u will be OK all the way...
take care ;)
Glad to hear.Thanks for reading my blog too :-)
And u take care too!
ohh.. babe, reading ur entry nih kan.. makes me wanna be pregnant all over again! yesss, i miss my pregnant belly too!! huhuhu... don't worry abt the labor pain! mmg sakit, tak tipu.. i went thru it already! natural birth all the way... if i can do it, i'm sure u can! jgn fikir byk pasal tu ok... when the time comes, u'll sure know what to do! :)
btw, banyakkan brisk walk tau... and doa byk2... i'm with u, dear! take care! :)
cantik as alwaiz walopon dh 6months preggie..jelesnyer...
i hope my daughter bila besar nnt jd secantik u... :)
Hey babe..
I'm linkinh ur blog to mine...hope u dun mind
awak sgt berserilah cik fadh!
Nnti I text u aper2 hal okeh!Tp seryes cepat tulis pasal experience u.I sgt tak sabar nk baca ni.
Owh..thanks :-)Nice knowing you!
Of course!*smile*
TQ*big grin*
oh dearrrr...I feel happy 4u.after reading ur feelings now i feel x saba2 plak nak get pregnant..hahaha..kawin pun blum berangan lebih..u la ni..hahaha
kakmin nak pregnant also la... :P
ahhh...i love my pregnancy too!
hey dear, it's normal to feel scared n nervous about labor especially for first-time moms, tapi jgn takut sgt2 k. labor is a natural process. keep in mind that Allah jadikan badan perempuan to be capable of giving birth the natural way, insyaallah everything will turn out well. if u need help to get ur mind into thinking positive about labor, go n read this amazing book "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth". Before reading the book i mmg dah set my mind nak natural delivery without any drugs tapi still takut2 n kdg2 terpk yg bukan2. biasa la, human minds kan. but after reading that book, terus berkobar2 n takut apa semua was set aside! Trust me, it really helps! You're so positive about ur pregnancy, I'm sure u can too when it comes to labor! I'd like to quote a line from that book "It's all in the mind". hehe
Take good care of urself! N u look fabulous, mommy-to-be! ;)
p/s: bila nak hangout sama2 ni.. i geram tgk perut u, bole? hehe :D
wah ur pregnant now! congrats, tho i know it's a bit too late. oh yes i miss being pregnant too, and i miss preggie belly too. sigh..
yes...being pregnant like being in love! have full of attention even from strangers!
yes..u gonna miss it dear! i missed it now...really wish our efforts this year will paid soon ;)
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