Ohh yeaaaaaaa..I had a great outing with Anis and Diella. Will update more!!!!
p.s: Ramai tny mana yours truly pergi: Morning sickness ke? Ok ke...To tell you the truth, I am so lucky, I havent had any morning sickness.nadaa ;-) Lucky me! But worried jugakla. Can I still be pregnant?
dear, don't worry! i had no morning sickness too during my 1st-tri! i slalu wonder, btol ke pregnant ni.. hehehe.. tp alar.. u are one lucky mom-to-be yg xde MS! hihihi.. take care okeh.. lama tunggu u update blog.. haih! nnt i deliver, hopefully u larat laa dtg ekk.. btw, still using the old number? update me plz! :D
dear, don't worry! i had no morning sickness too during my 1st-tri! i slalu wonder, btol ke pregnant ni.. hehehe.. tp alar.. u are one lucky mom-to-be yg xde MS! hihihi.. take care okeh.. lama tunggu u update blog.. haih! nnt i deliver, hopefully u larat laa dtg ekk.. btw, still using the old number? update me plz! :D
holla fadh..serious i igt u kene bedrest..mcm teruk sgt morning sickness ke ape sbb i sms u twice takde reply..glad to hear u're doing fine..take care!
hi there..been reading ur blog quite few times d :) and finally found out u're pregnant. thank God& congrates to both of u. i'm also pregnant @ 5mts and wanna share my experience since i got to know that i'm preggie!hihih..i was also count as lucky person, shall i?haha bcos i even never feel how is muntah, loya or senang cerita morning sickness la. mula2 pun i rase mcm u rase "betol ke pregnant ni?" bcos takde simptom langsung. tnya sana sini, even my mom pn mcm x percaya. huhu pity me. even craving tu pn rs more to ngade2 je ;p the rest i was like myself b4 being pregnant lady. active since my 1st trimester. tp got another 1 semester to go, do not know la kalau ada jugak akhirnye. huhu. so just be thankful that we're lucky babe! and take care of urself...
dear, don't worry! i had no morning sickness too during my 1st-tri! i slalu wonder, btol ke pregnant ni.. hehehe.. tp alar.. u are one lucky mom-to-be yg xde MS! hihihi.. take care okeh.. lama tunggu u update blog.. haih! nnt i deliver, hopefully u larat laa dtg ekk.. btw, still using the old number? update me plz! :D
dear, don't worry! i had no morning sickness too during my 1st-tri! i slalu wonder, btol ke pregnant ni.. hehehe.. tp alar.. u are one lucky mom-to-be yg xde MS! hihihi.. take care okeh.. lama tunggu u update blog.. haih! nnt i deliver, hopefully u larat laa dtg ekk.. btw, still using the old number? update me plz! :D
holla fadh..serious i igt u kene bedrest..mcm teruk sgt morning sickness ke ape sbb i sms u twice takde reply..glad to hear u're doing fine..take care!
fad..bestnye u pregnant tp bdn maintain slim.lagi kurus dr i yg blum kahwin ni..huhuhu
hi there..been reading ur blog quite few times d :) and finally found out u're pregnant. thank God& congrates to both of u. i'm also pregnant @ 5mts and wanna share my experience since i got to know that i'm preggie!hihih..i was also count as lucky person, shall i?haha bcos i even never feel how is muntah, loya or senang cerita morning sickness la. mula2 pun i rase mcm u rase "betol ke pregnant ni?" bcos takde simptom langsung. tnya sana sini, even my mom pn mcm x percaya. huhu pity me. even craving tu pn rs more to ngade2 je ;p the rest i was like myself b4 being pregnant lady. active since my 1st trimester. tp got another 1 semester to go, do not know la kalau ada jugak akhirnye. huhu. so just be thankful that we're lucky babe! and take care of urself...
I seryes nk jumpa u..mcm mana ni..asyik add taklih!
Oits sygku..I baru 2 mths++ tunggukan kemunculanku nnti..hahahh
Im okay dear..thanks for concern
Mrs bob,
Ohh thank god ada org sama ngn i! Oyeeee..we are such a lucky person kan.So, how r u now?share lah ur experience.Maybe u can guide me :-)
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