I let my newborn sleep on his stomach( of course we have to supervise him). I know, I know,, I've read all the research that says to put babies on their back to sleep.. Whenever he slept on his back, he'd grunt like he was in pain ... since he seemed much happier on his tummy.When ever I put him to sleep on his back, but as soon as he could roll over by himself, he'd get onto her tummy as fast as he could. I think he was more comfortable sleeping that way. BUT of course, I will keep my eyes on him.Im kinda worried about SIDS too :-)
Anyway, Kazim is sleeping in his cot.Took me few nights to train him to sleep by his own..Terpaksa la angkat letak..angkat letak..fuhhh..Also, we are trying to allow him to fall asleep by his own.Selalunya during susu time, I try suh dia jgn tdo esp masa menetek sbb I dont want Kazim to depend on breast/bottle to fall asleep.( okehh ..ni pendapat masing-masing yer..and I chose this way *big grin*) So selalunya I akan pegang tapak tgn dia n urut2 sikit so that dia tak fall asleep.
Mommy hopes Kazim jgnla tiba2 nak tdo atas our bed pulak.Dahla Mommy tdo ganas..kang tersepit kang..ke terpenyet ke kan.Jd lempeng baru tau.
ANYWAY, we got THE FIRST YEARS CLOSE&SECURE SLEEPER bed as a gift and loved it. It has a useful night light( I guess Mummy Noe tahu yg I ganas kot). The bed was great, I can put my boy every where while I were doing something else and it packs easily for travel.I was unsure whether this product was worth the money for those who have a "big baby. I read the reviews about babies outgrowing this too fast.Tp aper2 pon.... we loved it!
p.s: Anita..thanks for visiting us! Lupa I nak snap some photos ngn you la smalam :p, best sgt borak kan.And to my dear fren Haneem, CONGRATS FOR YOUR NEW ARRIVAL!
Qaira pun tido mcm nie even I tahu cara nie byk disadvantage kan.. they look more sleepy bila tido mcm nie..kan?
he's growing fast.bestnye..ammar pun sgt suke berpusing2.lasak cam bunda nye jugak.hope to be discharge soon..
Hi Fadd..I'm one of ur silent reader..Just nak share dgn u my experience..my son pun tido style mcm tue..i start ajar dia tido mcm tu since he was 3 wks old..my mom yg start coz she said that position is better..reasons being nanti dia muntah susu tak tertelan balik and boleh elak kembung perut..provided baby kena tido on a flat surface..no comforter/blanket,no pillow and very flat mattress..so far i think my son baru 2,3 kali je kot kena kembung perut and dia akan tido lagi lama..he's still sleeping in that position..he's 2 yrs old now.. :)and, the shape of the head also cantik..hehe..tak flat kat belakang..tp, depends la kan..lain orang lain pendapat..;)
** ida **
hmm fad,donut pun tgh plan nak tmbh 1 lg katil ni dlm bilik..damia lasak aa tido.slaloo2 pagi2 mesti ada kat hujung dinding..thn dpn adik die lg..itu yg kene tmbh katil.baby cot dah tak muat dgn tahap kelasakan minah sorang tu..isk2.
dear, i have a pleasent time at ur crib semalam. eventho kazim slept all the time when i was there, tp i still geram nak pegang2 dia. hihi. oh btw, he's one of the babies yg suaranya nyaring awat. that's a good sign sbb dia boboy kan.. so suara kene kuat xleh lemah lembut! hihihih. btw, insyaAllah we'll meet again soon ok. mesti by that time, kazim dah besar sket. awwww! oh well, take care dear. thanks for having us yesterday! kisses to lil'kazim okeh! :)
p.s. i pun teringin nak beli yg deluxe close & secure sleeper tu from TFY. tp tu la. dok plan2 nak beli, at last adzryl pun dah besar. so xyah beli pun xpe kot? hihhii.
Thanks Fadd.. Rayyan kirim salam kt Kazim..hehe
hi there. Just nak share we train our daughter to sleep in her cot since she was born lagi, Tho at first tu memang sukar sikit, tapi it help us in a long way. Now my girl dah setahun 7 bulan dah and still tido sendiri walaupun sometimes demand to sleep with us jugak. Ktrg layan jugak sekali sekala.
hi there..i pon plan nk beli secure sleeper tu..tp still 50-50 lagi ni..
take care :)
sungguh comel baby Kazim tdo menonggeng... nanti besau bontot bulat... opsss
mmg bgs bb tido meniarap sebnrnye.tp kena keep an eye on him je la.Qaseh smp skang ni tido camtu lg.
kpd yg xbleh beranak tu,xyah la nak msk campur cite ibu2 di sini.aduhaaaiii...cubalah sedar diri anda.
nak dia tido nyenyak lg try swaddle him sereyes. i ade video pasal 5 S for baby.
alamak bile la nak visit u niii huhuhu kang i yg terberanak dulu kang. hihik
bahaya la bellariena ni..suke tgk bontot laki.jaga2 awak...ahhah
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