I know it must seem strange of me to write you a letter when you’re only 24 days old but I hope you’ll indulge me. Guess what .. when you were in my tummy,Im not sure whether Im ready to be a mother or not! Ohh please forgive me sayang.It just..motherhood..scares me a lot!Tp kalau tak sekarang..bila lagi?My biological clock has begun its countdown..(yes Im young.....tp sampai bila pon kita muda kan?) I always tell myself that this pregnancy will change my life,,yes it's a lifetime commitment!You know, no more sleeping like a princess, no more spontaneous vacation, less freedom and of course..ada la benda2 yang taklih buat bila ada anak kecik. Yes, it takes me an hour to groggily go through the checklist of the essentials I need to bring with me.
Try as I might, I cant imagine myself dealing with you, Kazim. I can still remember when I were still pregnant and all those parents out there told me to "sleep while you can" and I just rolled my eyes at them.YES, Im afraid.
Let me tell you something, when Papa asked me to marry him,I never think about having any kids( btol ni..tak terpk langsung masa tu pasal anak2 sbb kami masa bercinta 3 tahun pon tak ckp pasal anak2 langsung!).I cant see myself as a mother( or good mom) even though Mommy has nephews and nieces..Forgive me sayang...
One of mommy's friend told me.everything will change bila anak dah depan mata,kalau dulu dia kata tak suka budak-budak tp bila dah ada anak, lain pula .She herself might arrange for childcare for her baby but one day she will be going into an important meeting and she will think about her baby all day long.She have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her baby is all right.I convinced her..Im not that type!
Furthermore, mommy worried my relationship with papa will change forever.Im afraid Papa doesn't love me like before...or he might love me less.. .Mommy takut Papa bosan dengan baju mommy yg bau susu..hmm forgive me again.
Let me tell you about your Papa. He is the most amazing person I’ve ever had the privilege to know and as you grow I hope you will realize how lucky you are to have him for your dad.As such, he bears a tremendous responsibility.
All in all, there are only two things left to say to you, “I am proud of you and I love you.”
Thanks for being my son.
i hope it's not too late to wish congrates.. mesti seronok dh ada baby kan. i wish to visit u but sorry fadd, i am too busy now. anyway, congratulation, selamat jadi ibu yang baik.. happy always. take care dear!
awwwww.. it's amazing how we can love our baby sgt2 kan? watching them sleeping is the best thing to do. :) btw, it's true kan! the bonding time during BF mmg sgt2 touching2 & precious gitu.... rasa close jer to ur baby & it's the "mummy-son" precious moments together! i feel that u. u take care dear. kisses for baby kazim k? mwahsss... :)
Fadd dearie, again u've made me cried. Same thing happened to me. I was worried and kept thinking about it again and again. And finally, I am proud with myself for having a child of my own.. Thanks for your support during my last days of pregnancy and I appreciated every lil word from u.
Congrats Fadd. U can be more than good to Kazim and his papa.. =)
ahh...love it!
soo sweeeeet and touches my heart..;)
Hi again,
Soo sweet sangat surat cinta u nie!! I plaks yang dah terjatuh hati hahahahahaha
I bley rasa apa yang u rasa, koz i pun baru 2 tahun lebeh jadik ibu, dah kawen 2 taun, baru dapat anak...
Yang paling kita rasa tak tentu arah, bila dia demam ...masa kene injek kerr, nak tumbuh gigi kerr...time tue, dia nangis, kita sama lah nak nangis....
awwww...that's sweet, really!kazim, ur lucky to get such wonderful parents, so be a good boy k. mwahs!
what a sweet love letter darling! ;) emm..yes, BF is one of the precious moment in motherhood till u feel like "i want to feel this moment forever"! treasure while u can.
motherhood is a long journey.. everyday u'll discover new things and how the sweet tiny boy amaze u! sure u'll be good mama...
All the best for u darling!!
so sweet ur surat cinta pertama utk kazim...seriously i pun terpikir benda yg sama dgn u sebab skang i takder baby lagi..
I guess I just like u before.. but now, bila tak tgk baby seminit pun, mesti nak tgk dia balik puas2.. or seboleh2 carry her with me di mana saja I berada..hihihi.. chumel Kazim.. i like!
mak nampak bulu2 rug yg sungguh luxury itewww... chantekkkkkk sgt kakak :D
Mommy takut Papa bosan dengan baju mommy yg bau susu..hahahahaahahahha tak tahannnnn
owhh amazing feeling u dah ada kan? hope my turn will turns up soon too, Amin...i'm happy for u dear...
so touchy plssss...im at the stage yg takot2 n u really gave me inspiration!
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