It's been 8 days since Aman/Apeng and I embarked on our greatest journey-the birth of our bundle of joy; Kazim Bin Kamarul Zaman.
Everything happened so fast that I can barely remember the details.
I was one of those first time mothers-to-be who had read multiple books on pregnancy and child birth, and had come to the conclusion - to keep telling myself that it was a bearable pain, that it was for a worthy purpose. And, as I kept reminding myself( like being told by my lovely sister Kak Fuz), millions of women had given birth in the past and continue to give birth “the natural way” – they handled the pain well enough. Of course I would too!
"Yes I can do it!"
I was wide awake on the night before and can only shut my eyes at slightly past 2am.Yes, I had a sleepless night that night(chat ngn a few ppl jugak sbb taklih tdo). Surprisingly Apeng/Aman was fast asleep at 10pm although for the past one week he's been sleeping very late unlike me. Yes, your truly has been sleeping like a princess during her pregnancy.
It was 5.45am, subconsciously I heard a "POP" sound.While I try to figure out where the sound comes from, I felt like peeing but the only different was, I cant control it.I was so astounded by the rushing of fluid.
"B..I rasa my water bag broke"
"hah? ye ker? You bukan kencing ke?"
"takk..tak..I rasa water broke.."
Dgn cepatnya Aman/Apeng terus bangun dan siap2. Kami pun siap2, nasibla bag hospital mmg dah siap lama pun, tapi bukan ada bnyk brg pon nak amik lgpun rumah kami kan dekat je.Suamiku terus ketuk pintu Ummi pastu Ummi terus datang tgk aku.Bila tgk, mmg sah-sah dia kata air ketuban yang pecah. Mcm sgt laju okayy dia mengalir...camm sungai pulak :p.Pastu sbb air dah mengalir bnyk sgt, Ummi pon sediakan kain batik tuk lapik.Seryes, mmg air tu mengalir camm ..rasa panas2 camtu.Tapi tak sakit la, it just air tu camm ada lendir2 sikit kot.Bukan la mcm air masak ke hape tu.Kami terus turun lif,Aman/Apeng terus amik kereta.
Immediately I called Abang Ha& Kak Fuz.
"3-4 jam lagi ke???mak aii..lamanya nak that time tak rasa lagi sakit yg amat tu"
I just went into one of the delivery rooms, put on a gown and tried to get comfortable while my husband and Ummi were there to comfort me.
They hooked me up to the machine to monitor of the baby's heart beat and my contraction.
My husband decided to text our families and rang our emak.Later, Abg ha and K.Fuz came at 9am ++.I decided to call Diella,Leen and Hanim.Unfortunately none of them were available.So I told my husband to text them later.Mummy Noe sms-ed me:
"Zikir..doa bnyk2..Igt Allah.."
"Yes, I am in pain, but that's okay. I'm coping with it."
A back rub or a positive words of encouragement will help you calm down. Apeng/Aman comforted me and kept my mind off.I couldn't have made it without him by my side.The two things that kept me going were my doctor, who was so utterly kind and gentle with me, and my husband, who stood there holding my hand and comforting me like a real troop.
I watched TV, read book and everything that I could to keep my mind off.I've told my husband that I was so hungry ( sbb smalam mkn mihun yg sikit saja pastu pagi tu tak sarapan pon) So my husband asked the midwives whether I can have a chocolate bar just to get some energy. She came to me and said,
"You can drink water only"
Dlm hati, mak aii aku rasa nk pitam dah kt sini dia suh minum air ??Ok ok..paham diorang buat ape yang patut tapi..seryes mmg lembik sgt masa tu..Aman/Apeng tanya kalau Milo boleh ke tak, tp dia kata tu pun tak boleh sbb takut kalau jd aper2, dan perlu c-sect perut kena kosong at least 6 hrs.
" B, kalau tau mcm ni, td before dtg sini I breakfast dulu"
Time ni dah 9cm dilated, Ya Allah,rasa jalan kt satu highway yg takda toilet pastu nk poo-poo sgt campur sembelit pastu kena tahan dulu .Yerlakan kalau 9cm mcm mana nk teran pon so, nak menahan tu..adoiiii..tak tergambar "pleasure" nyerr.Tp dlm kepala otak ni taknak any drugs pon so nak taknak kena tahan la.Pusing kanan kiri menahan sakit, lakiku pulak mmg tak habis2 duk picit-picit,berjam dia berdiri kt situ.Kesian sgt2.
Pastu ade rasa nk kencing sgt2, teruslah bgtau misi tu,
"I want to wee-wee"
"i"ll bring container for you"
"I prefer..hmm...I wanna go to the toilet"
"tak boleh..nnti u beranak kat toilet..I bawak bekas lah, u kencing sini."
Ayyo..mmg ussah sgt2.Mula2 skali boleh pastu kali kedua nak kencing tu..dah tak boleh dah, so misi tu masuk tiub tuk kencing.Ngilu jugak la rasa.
My Apeng/Aman was really positive and was really good, he was talking to me and keep asking me to take a deep breath with each contraction. I was so touched.
I started pushing with guidance from the midwife. Very slow progress was made as I was so tired from lack of sleep and not eating properly and was emotionally a wreck and I ached.
The “bench” suddenly became shorter as the part under my backside was made to fold under, my legs were suspended up in the air with stirrups, tied to two poles that suddenly appeared from nowhere.
The doctor was ready.
I tried so hard.All of them(doctor and midwives cheered me on as I began to grasp what PUSHING was all about.
The baby still wasn't coming out.
Masa ni, yours truly dah rasa nak pitam sbb campur lapar campur rasa nk pitam.Mcm lari merentas desa tanpa makan dan minum pagi tu.Dah rasa ada burung2 pon yang terbang kat atas dahi ni.
Then again..I worked incredibly hard for almost 1 hour!!Nasib baik doctor pon tolong jugak kuarkan Kazim.
Suddenly, a “whoosh” – and then, oh what relief, when Kazim's head came out, he was awake and crying loudly.they laid him on my belly,Kazim lay there and looking up at me.
"Im sorry Kazim, Im so tired.."I whispered to him.
And then, just I seemed to be drifting off into a surreal sleep, the afterbirth pains began.After being stitched up, I really wasn’t feeling like I was there at all. Everything seemed a blur and all I needed was a cup of Milo and some rice..or pasta..or nasi kerabu..or what so ever food!
I was so tired by this time, that I was actually struggling to keep my eyes open, I even asked my husband in the room not to talk to me because I wanted to sleep.
I wanted natural childbirth, and that's what I've been lucky enough to have-alhamdulillah, due to the fortunate combination of hassle-free labours and a supportive environment. It wasn't until I started to read about natural childbirth that I found out about the many advantages of letting your body do what it is designed to do.
I stayed at the hospital for 1 night, as usual my husband was there. Tp nak tdo mmg lerr tak boleh.Yerla my V sakit sgt2.Semua2 lah sakit.
Nonetheless, Im so thankful to Almighty-Allah for this easy delivery of a healthy baby Kazim.Syukur. Alhamdulllah.And also,thanks for all your( guys out there-friends, bloggers, families) prayers and well wishes.
I have to admit, Im a bit tearful while writing this entry. My wish and hope, Kazim inherits my husband's best quality,Insya-Allah.
Truly, I am blessed among women!
p.s:More stories on Kazim..later!
22 comments: wonder you cakap you tak dapat call I.. Malam-malam I normally switch to DiGi, bangun pagi baru switch back to Maxis. :( :(
waaa..bila mcm my V pon rasa ngilu balik..hihihi
comell la Kazim...kish2 4 him :)
alhamdulillah... yayy! i went thru natural birth too. x sangka kan we made it thru w/o any pain killers n all? yeah, we're one of the lucky ones. i'm glad everything went well for u too. alhamdulillah again... :)
eiii.. x sabar nak visit u plak! insya Allah one of these days ok? take care momma.. hugs hugs! :)
Oh my.. what a story...
My eyes became teary reading my this post coz I've been there and maybe becoz now I am 8mths pregnant. Jadi terbawa2 rasa terharu tu..
Congrats Fadd and Apeng. I bet both of u will become a great parent. All the best ya!
tula kn..sakit bsalin camne pn kta x kan serik nak mnambah lg..percayala hehehe...
u look so good after giving birth even in pain ..seriously..
congrates dearie...
nama kazim macam lebih2 kurang nama anak i...Khazin..:P
dear..i nk sgt sgt visit both of my boys tgh selsema..mcm tak elok plak nk visit newborn kan..anyway..u bg i inspiration utk natural birth!sile bg saya semangat yer..hehe
Tahniah to you and Apeng ... suker sangat post ni. Very detail. Macam yang akak lalui juga. Teringat :)Tapi awak tetap vogue walaupun lepas 6 jam bersalin. Kalau dah cantik kan dalam keadaan apa pun awak tetap cantik. Lepas ni anak pompuan lak yer. Mesti comel macam ibu nyer.
beautifully written... bunch of congratz again to you....
Fad, so u langsung x ambil laughing gas, any injection or epidural lah ya? I still cannot decide on my birth plan :( BTW, glad both u & baby selamat & sihat...
alhamdulillah & many congratulations guys! baby kazim is perfect. take care & selamat berpantang, kak fadd!
terharu sgt baca this entyr.rase i pulak kat tpt u.whatever it is congrats & u're so lucky to have a wonderful husband.;)
congratess! hapi for you both!
Harap2 akan lalui sama seperti u nanti. InsyaAllah. U r so strong fadd..
natural birth best kan?we remember evry detail of the moment.bile dipikirkan balik,sakit tu ok jek.another 2 years leh tambah lagi.hehe..hugs & kisses for kazim ;)
suka gile gambaq kazim yg after dia nanges tu...muka mcm pelik gile "aku kat mana nih?" hihih
insyaAllah weekend nih akan gomol kazim ngeh3
congrats to both of you....mommy n baby pun cute..:-) take care...
u r one strong lady dear. deangar cita u dah ngeri nak beranak sekali lagi hahaha
neway, take care. hugs and kisses to little kazim ya
Tahu takper.Lain kali pakai 10 lagi line tau :p
Mrs R,
Tula kan..bab ngilu tu yg tak tahan p
Kan..we r sooooo lucky.U inspired me dear!U can dtg anytime!
I yg menulis ni pun sama yanggg..:-)
rasa sayu jerr
U r sooo right! Skang I dah terpk bila nk pregnant balik! hahaha
oh really?Boleh la get together one day!Nama u pun K jugak eh?
I paham..takper2 bila u all dah sihat dtg je anytime.U r always welcome!
My life my world,
Thank you so much sis!
hey darling.Takda babe...sbb aku mmg dah set dlm otak :-)
Thanks dear!
thanks sis!
U bolehhh urself tau! I doakan you :-)
dear, jgn lupa lepas pantang..I nak tgk ammar tau!
Cik Na,
"Cik Na,
I cant wait to see you!"
-Kazim * wink*
Nice knowing you!
Drama Mama,
U ape kurangya sis..kuat jugak..hihihi
i am ur silent reader. Congrats to both of u...!!
Best bace, trasa macam nak nangis..!!
congrats fadd & apeng...terharu baca ur experience..selamat berpantang yer..take care
i'm so proud of u! congrats fadd & aman! :)
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