Here are the photos at Verde's Raya Open House.Semua-semua cantik belaka.Tuan rumah pun cantik the boom, rumah pun cantik juger..deco jugak sgt ceria( Okeh, let me confess here, baby blue and pink are my fav. colour !)
I had my 38 weeks check-up this morning at Tropicana Medical Centre, Kota Damansara.The nurse then proceeded to weight me, took my blood pressure and ran a urine test.Everything was fine, alhamdulillah.Baby's head is now 2/5ths engaged which I should be in labor anytime.The GP proceeded with the cervical checkup and found out that my V already 1-2cm dilated( but Im not 100% effaced yet).The baby movement, breathing, blood flow and fluid all looked good.
I am so grateful for everyone's support and encouragement while staying off my feet.I could not have done it without you guys and family.From visits, messages,phone calls and...what was such a tremendous help and this is the reason I have made it this far.Thank you,thank you!
My husband cant wait for our baby's arrival but there's nothing much we can do other that keep waiting..
dearr!!!dh dekat sgt nih!i plak excited...
wow u're in your 38th week and already 1-2 cm dilated? lucky u! i dulu kan kak, dah past due date pun baru 1 cm dilated. haha. dont worry bout the pain. it's not so bad. trust me.
oh ur 2cm dilated but not feeling much yet eh, that's good news. just walk a lot and pray a lot okie, insyaAllah we'll see little you and apeng very soon!
go go girl! jgn takut..Insyallah will go thru naturally. doakan tanpa komplikasi! jgn lupa minta maaf pd suami terchenta (paling penting) serta ibu bapa dll. May Allah with u!
oh fadd, i harap u bersalin dengan mudah. Percayalah, saat melahirkan baby is the greatest moment in ur life!
ecehhh pandai berpantun... baru i tau!
Hai Fadd,
Need ur email la. Wanna share something with u. Or u can email thanks =)
Hane, :-)
saye plak xsabar kak.cepat2 baby K kuar tau ;)
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